Power Conditioners Recommendations

Looking for some recommendations.
In your opinion / experience what would you say is a good deal / good value power conditioner for about $250 used?

I am looking at Adcom ACE-515 as the ceapest at about $70, Monster Power HTS 36000Mk2 for about $160 up to Furman PF Pro at $250.
Anything else?
I have a tube amp and CD player for a source

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Currently there is a fellow audiogon lister/vender selling monster 3600MK II for $199.00 plus shipping. That's tough to beat. I have more expensive pieces, but I do own a 3600MK II and a 5000 MK II. They really work well. My more expensive pieces ar from PS and Audio Wedge which have been upgraded. Big difference in price between those bad boys and the monsters. Monsters are hard to hate!!
How much would be a dedicated line? I realize it depends but aren't we talking like thousands?
My entire audio system including all cables is about $4000. I've got to be reasonable....kind of like putting Z-rated racing tires on a Hyundai.

Also...if I was to look into dedicated surge suppressor at the panel - any particular type / model??

Thanks all for your input - great learning. Really appreciate it.
It shouldn't be more than a few hundred unless you live in NYC or other such area. I have an original Tice Power Block, which weighs 56lb and is quite large. When I had noisy power lines it was a help, on dedicated lines it sounded worse. I was going to sell it but have finally persuaded my wife to let " that ugly thing" into the living room, where it makes a noticeable improvement on our 52" Plasma.
fwiw I have had dedicated lines and cryo treated hospital grade outlets for a few years and using the Audience conditioner made a significant upgrade over plugging the amp straight into the wall.

It probably is best to get the dedicated lines first but the Audience Adept Response is a mighty fine addition.

buying and selling here on Agon is not too bad, after over 30 times I have not had a bad deal so listen to Tvad and try for yourself.
Surge suppressor and noise filter installed at the service panel. Environmental Potentials EP-2050. I had one installed. Total cost was about $750 including installation.

I had two dedicated lines installed for $500 total.