Power Conditioners Recommendations

Looking for some recommendations.
In your opinion / experience what would you say is a good deal / good value power conditioner for about $250 used?

I am looking at Adcom ACE-515 as the ceapest at about $70, Monster Power HTS 36000Mk2 for about $160 up to Furman PF Pro at $250.
Anything else?
I have a tube amp and CD player for a source

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How much would be a dedicated line? I realize it depends but aren't we talking like thousands?
My entire audio system including all cables is about $4000. I've got to be reasonable....kind of like putting Z-rated racing tires on a Hyundai.

Also...if I was to look into dedicated surge suppressor at the panel - any particular type / model??

Thanks all for your input - great learning. Really appreciate it.
It shouldn't be more than a few hundred unless you live in NYC or other such area. I have an original Tice Power Block, which weighs 56lb and is quite large. When I had noisy power lines it was a help, on dedicated lines it sounded worse. I was going to sell it but have finally persuaded my wife to let " that ugly thing" into the living room, where it makes a noticeable improvement on our 52" Plasma.
fwiw I have had dedicated lines and cryo treated hospital grade outlets for a few years and using the Audience conditioner made a significant upgrade over plugging the amp straight into the wall.

It probably is best to get the dedicated lines first but the Audience Adept Response is a mighty fine addition.

buying and selling here on Agon is not too bad, after over 30 times I have not had a bad deal so listen to Tvad and try for yourself.
Surge suppressor and noise filter installed at the service panel. Environmental Potentials EP-2050. I had one installed. Total cost was about $750 including installation.

I had two dedicated lines installed for $500 total.
Dedicated lines with Oyaide outlets is where I would throw money first if you are going to get serious. I would not put a tube amp on a conditioner either.