Power Conditioning in Apartment Complex.

What, in your opinion, is a sensible way to go about power conditioning in an apartment complex? I am about to make such a move in a couple of months and am thinking on how to handle this. I own a Tice AV Solo conditioner and bought a 20 amp, hospital grade, isolated ground outlet. I have been considering the Quiet Line filters after reading Abertporter's experience on another thread.

I will sincerely appreciate your feedback, for this is going to be in Chicago Metro...

Showing 1 response by sean

I know a few folks in Chicago that live in apartments and they have all had good luck with the Monster HTS-2000. While i'm not familiar with your Tice or its' capabilities, you might try one of the Monster's since they can be had so reasonably priced ( less than $150 including shipping ). Then again, the Tice might already be better than the Monster so long as it can supply all of the current that you need.

I would think that it would be best to first try to clean up the direct supply coming into the equipment and THEN filter out the residuals via the Quiet Lines. Sean