Powercords $1000 that beat VH Audio cords

I am looking for a powercord for my tube preamp that easily beats the VH Audio Flavor 2 Cryo.

The most important atrribute for me is natural tone and natural timing.

Showing 3 responses by tvad

Krisgel, natural tone and timing...neutrality...is what VH Audio cords are all about. What is it about your cord do you believe is flawed? That might help others suggest something else. Is your tube preamp new, or have you had it in your system for a while? As you know, tubes have a much greater effect on tone...neutrality...than power cords. Just a thought.

I use TG Audio 688 power cords on my tube preamp and tube amp.
Krisgel, you are embarking on a hellish journey that may or may not result in a better destination. :)

Assuming that there must be something better without having a definitive reason for not being satisfied with what you have is a telling sign of audiophilia nervosa...especially when it comes to wire...particularly power cords.

Good luck, and remember I warned you...

Krisgel, your question is extremely broad..."There must be something better than Venhaus power cords"...and so I'm going to risk ruffling your feathers and suggest that you put forth a little effort and search the threads for power cord information. There is a ton of it, with a recommendation available for nearly every cord made. You should be able to find many possible candidates.