Powervar 1200 - How good?

At one time or another I have had a Hydra, BPT Ultra, PS Audio 300, Bybee, etc in my system. I firmly believe in a quality power conditioner. The seller has sold a a ton of these on the 'Gon and every now and then one is re-sold. That tells me most people keep them. I am currently using a Transparent Ultra that retailed for around $800 but I am very curious about the Powervar in a high end audio only system. Comments/Comparisons much appreciated. System is Sony 9000ES w/Modwright Signature Truth mod, Modwright SWL 9.0 linestage, BAT VK-200 amp, Energy Veritas 2.4 speakers.
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Showing 1 response by pataburd

I owned one. I did notice an improvement in detail and clarity. One thing I did not like was the transformer hum, which was constant.