Pre Amp with ATI 1202, NAD 7155 & GMA Europa's

I recently added a ATI 1202 power amp to my NAD 7155 to power my Green Mountain Audio Europa's. Initial impressions are that the GMA's have really "opened up" and that things will improve even more as the ATI brreaks in.

My question is whether a new pre-amp to replace the NAD would further improve the sound of the GMA's.

If so, could I have some recommendations for a less than 1K SS pre-amp, or even a tube for that matter.

I'm all ears, or sould I say eyes.

A FF from Massachusetts

I was on a very similar path a few years ago. I started with an NAD 7140 that I had owned for 20 years. Adding a modded Hafler DH-200 made a substantial difference, but I had a feeling the NAD was still holding me back. I tried both the Hafler 101 and Dynaco PAS3 preamps, but settled on a Wright Sound WLA12A. Adding a good tube preamp completely transformed my system. There are many fine preamps both SS and tube for under $1K, and you'll get many other recommendations, but I'd suggest you at least try tubes. You may never go back.
