Preamp Deal Of The Century- Update

When the Deal of the Century topic started back in 2002, I never imagined it would still be going in 2017.
I'm not surprised that I still love designing and building preamps though , its been my passion for nearly 30 years now, and I never tire of the thrill of firing up a new preamp. 
A lot has happened since then, over 500 6SN7 preamps built, followed by the 6SN7/12B4A , the first commercially available DHT preamp- the 300B, followed by the multi use 300B/45/PX4 preamp, then the 101D , and finally the last DHT 4P1L model , and now back to the 6SN7 in a new and exciting design. 

I stepped away from full time production in 2009 ,with an employment offer to good to refuse,  but I continued to do custom preamps and development work, in conjunction with my friend Kevin Covi. In addition to the occasional service work when rarely needed.

We developed hundreds of designs, preamps, power amps, dacs and I built most of them, I wasn't active on the forums, but my soldering iron was hot, and there were some nice sounds coming from my listening room. 

Now in late 2017 I have the best preamplifier design I've ever heard, anywhere. 5 years in the making, its based on the best of all the thousands of different circuit configurations I've used over the years, and is a preamp that does everything well .
Just as liquid and musical as the DHT preamps, without the quirkiness of microphonics etc. Very accurate, but highly enjoyable to listen to. I'm really proud of this baby and keen to get it out into the world.
The same beautiful looks with copper chassis in chrome and Jarrah wood. Same extraordinary value, spend 4 times more, get less. 

Ive got a brand new workshop and listening room and now building state of the art preamps fulltime .
At the moment I'm just building the 6SN7 preamp in linestage and linestage with phono , with some stock available, and next year I'll be introducing an entry level preamp at under $2000. 

And a stand-alone phono stage .

I'm doing a daily tube audio blog where I discuss all things tube , and phono, or whatever is interesting - something new each day.
and my web site 

I'm looking forward to getting back into the audio world , meeting old and new friends, and contributing to this great passion we share. 

Your gear looks awesome. I couldn’t find any specs on the website. Can you please provide a link? Thank you!
Congratulations. Hope things work out well. Are you posting products for sale here? Specs, pricing, terms, etc., are all posted on your site, and or in their listings, correct?
Best to you Mick going forward. Still have a Syrah from 2003 that I just can't part with although several have expressed interest. Time does fly!
           I used to have a Chenin which I enjoyed very much. What is cost of this new preamp?
The phono pre is $5000, the line stage from $3500.
$2000 model next year, but it wont have all the magic of these guys
You can upgrade your old preamps with a better volume control, V-Caps or Jupiter Caps, and get a choke from David Slagle in NYC.  Happy Listening.

Post removed 
I'm doing a daily tube audio blog where I discuss all things tube , and phono, or whatever is interesting - something new each day.

Your blog looks like a wonderful(!) source of information, and I've enjoyed reading numerous posts this morning.  I was looking for a way to subscribe in order to get your daily posts by e-mail, but I couldn't find that option -- if it exists?

and now back to the 6SN7 in a new and exciting design

Would you be willing to share the reasons for your selection (now and over time) of 6SN7 over similar alternatives?  I ask this after seeing your 12/08/16 post on 6F8 adapters (which didn't come to a firm conclusion) ... and after having had good luck replacing 6SN7 with 6F8 and "doubles" of some of the same/similar single triodes like 6J5, 2C22/7193, etc.  You seem unafraid of specifying tubes that aren't available as new production, and the financial economies are so appealing...


Ill be doing a post on 6sn7 alternatives and nos soon.
New website soon, ill try to do a blog subscribe.
@mickm, Welcome back and good luck!

Like you, I’ve been involved in the this business, but do so well at my "day job" that it would be beyond stupid to pursue audio.  Yet that siren call remains always, yes?

Have a friend who bought one of your preamplifiers when you first released them. Beautiful cosmetics and great sound.  Here’s hoping you make just a big a splash this time around!
I think I may have the bug again. I sold my Syrah years ago and downgraded. Music has never been the same. The LCR Cortese has my attention, and is on my want list. I do have limited space though, I wonder if Mick can build the power supply into a smaller 
In that price category, I haven't heard anything remotely close to the Herron Audio VTPH-2a / VTSP-360 combo.  In fact, I have heard nothing at any price that approaches that Herron Audio combo.  

The sound of a Supratek preamp is mostly about the power supply- its powerful enough to use in a power amp, and with chokes , tube shunt regulation for the HT, regulation for the heaters etc, its hard to make the power supply smaller. I can make long connecting cord so power supply can be stored on floor etc. 
The LCR is something else again - I honestly think its the highest form of playback .
I try to explain it here
@mickm - Why are you self-promoting your business in a discussion forum?  

Due respect, but it appears to me that Mick is answering questions in a forum about his products. I imagine most interested people would find his posts informative and helpful, especially since he is simply updating an old and very popular discussion thread. I guess I just don’t see the offense here.

One might just as well ask why you are promoting Herron gear--and I am a big fan of Herron myself-- in a thread about Supratek preamps?
Best of luck to you Mick. I owned a Syrah and thought it was a outstanding musicial bargin.  Yes I wish I keep it.  Might consider your new phono stage if it is available.  
@waltersalas Read the entire thread.  This is self-promotion, nothing else.

Yes, I read it. 

As I mentioned before, this is an update of an old thread from sixteen or so years ago. I guess you could see at as self-promotion, but I think it would be of interest to many people who bought and loved Supratek amps and preamps. I, for one, had a Supratek preamp back in the day and thought it was excellent, and I am glad to see Mick back in the game. Now if he uses the discussion forum repeatedly for self-promotion--as some are doing these days--then I think your accusation might carry more weight, but I see nothing at all wrong with this update on the Preamp of the Century thread.
Mick, thank you for the clarification on the power supply. And thank you very much for updating this wonderful thread. I am looking forward to the new products. 

Please disregard the haters, they have nothing better to do with their time.