Quad 21L/22L


I'm looking for comments on the Quad 21L and 22L speakers. Just sold a pair of 11Ls, which were a great speaker for the $$ but a step down from more expensive speakers I've owned in the past. There's no longer a local dealer for Quad, so I have to go on recommendations. Anyone care to comment on how they compare w/ the smaller 11Ls? Any other speakers (floorstanders or monitors) that persons who have owned or heard the 21L or 22L would recommend over them, in the same price range? I know this issue has been discussed some in this forum, but am looking for as many comments as I can get from those who have heard these speakers since I can't audition. Thanks,

I know this is an old thread. But tonight I just completed a session of the Firebird on my Quad 21L. It keeps coming back to me - how come they sell these speakers for such a price? The Quad 21L are very transparent speaker. The soundstage they threw was very wide. The imaging was precise. The Bartok Orchestra SACD was simply amazing. Another brand speaker comes to my mind, which has similar driver configuration and cost about $1200 more which I auditioned. And I fall in love with my Quads again. The Quad 21Ls are under-discussed and not-so-popular, probably due to their country of manufacture. Rob - I second you..these babies are absolutely neutral and transparent. I will put on the Ravel-Bolero SACD now....
No absolute way any QUAD products are fatiguing - no way - if they are , look ELSEWHERE in the system to found the culprit. All QUAD gear is NEUTRAL if on the warm side, but fatiguing, hardly....
I owned the 12Ls and found them to be very fatiguing over time...excellent imaging and bass reproduction...moved on to the GMA Europas....major upgrade for not that much more...good luck...
I had the 21L and center in a second HT/music setup. They were very warm but detailed speakers that sounded great with acoustic, jazz and vocals. On the other hand, I thought them too polite for other types of music like rock, country/bluegrass, etc. and HT. Overall, I am happier with the Paradigm studio 60 v3 that replaced them, especially for HT.