Quad 988 / 989 reliability ??

It's well known that the old Quads (57 and 63) had some reliability problems, and that repairing them can be expensive. Is there enough data our there on the 988 / 989 to say anything about their robustness and reliability ? Have any of the 988 / 989 users who are reading this had any problems ?
The question here is about reliability. I am giving a straight answer as to our experiences. No attack is being made on anyone and QS&D is a quality service center to maintain all Quad speakers.I'm glad your experience is a positive one. That's what this hobby is all about.
In responce to Mbonn. The cost of shipping ,to replace parts and to handle all the logistics was completely on our dollar. IAG did stand behind it's warrenty but left the cost of these other items up to us. We shipped all speakers on palette truck freight to avoid complications so the cost of this alone was substaintial. Ship to the customer,from the customer,to the service center, replace to the customer. If it happens at a 5% rate this is the industry standard but at much higher numbers, and Quad is not the only product this can happen with, it becomes a nightmare. With the large base of friends and customers we have,23+ years and somewhere around 15,000 ,the numbers become staggering and must be closely managed.
Thank God I didn't read all of this before I bought my 988s ! Maybe I am one of the "lucky" ones or maybe it is too early to call. I have owned my 988s for six months now and every night I go to heaven when I sit to listen to my music.
The 988s have rewarded me we better sound every time that an improvement is made in the rest of the system (ac power cords,interconnects, speaker wyres, pre amp etc...)

Prior to the 988s I used to have 63s and InnerSound.
and by the way QS&D, when I needed them, are great people to deal with. Should something go wrong I have comfort that the service will come trough.
(I am not in any way related to QS&D and I live in another state.)
Lucky you Manati and yes, when they work, they are wonderful transducers and hard to beat. By the way, I've found a way to stop the clicking and bubbling, ticking etc in my 989s by raising the humidity in the music room. As simple as that.
I have had 989s for slightly over two years and ever had a single problem. However, it took three pairs to get a perfect set. I think Quad is past this now. At this point, I would be surprised if reliability is an issue. Also, my third pair came straight from IAG via QS&D, whoi checked it out thoroughly. I agree with others: QS&D appear to be good people, and if they say something works, it does. The same cannot be said for HiFi Farm, who may have been at least partly responsible for failures in the early samples due to improper shipping. Again, I agree with others: whatever Hi-Fi Farm is selling is the best thing since sliced bread. Anything they no longer carry gets bashed. Use your own judgement; draw your own concludions.

By the way, I owned 3 pair of ESL 63 US Monitors over the years and NEVER had a reliability problem of any kind. I don't know where this "Quads don't last" myth comes from.
