Quality of recording vs Musical tastes

How many of you have ended up "expanding your horizons" musically simply because:

A) you were tired of the poor recordings that "popular music" typically has to offer ?


B) you bought something because it was a known good recording even though you don't normally listen to that type of music ?

I have to say that i am "guilty" on both counts and glad of it.

Before you start nodding your head in agreement, how about passing on some of the "gems" that opened your eyes to a "whole nother world" and how you ended up selecting them. Sound like a way to share some good yet "hidden" music ??? I hope so : ) Sean

PS... Thanks to Craig aka Garfish for the idea : )

Showing 2 responses by stbhorn

How many of you purchase remastered versions of CDs that you already own? I find myself doing this often, most of the time the newer remastered versions have better sound quality, sometimes not. One of the most improved remastered versions that comes to mind is Miles Davis "Bitches Brew", a HUGE improvement over the orginial CD release. I am considering purchasing the Creedence Clearwataer Revival remasters that Fantasy released a few years ago. Any opinions on these remasters?
Most of Miles Davis stuff from his "second great quintet" are great improvements on the remasters. ESP, Miles Smiles, Miles in the Sky are all great improvements from the orginial CD releases. I have also had good luck with some of the older blue stuff that has been remastered, mostly from the Chess label.