Question has been asked before but need more info

Ok I have searched the archives including my own posts and I still dont understand the logic behind this concept.

If I have an all tube amplifier and a Solid state amp.
The amps job is simply to amplify the signal from the preamp.

Why would the I lose some of the tube signiture (holographic imaging 3/D etc) moving down the chain?

Why is it necessary to have a tube amp and a tube preamp to achieve this if the only job of the amp is simplly to amplify?

What makes a solid state amplifier warm or cold?

Confused in San Diego
Because amplification adds its own sonic signature based on topology of the amp tube or SS.
Because the signal from your tubed pre-amp has to travel through quite a few solid state devices in your SS amp, on it's way to your speakers. A typical tubed amp has far less components in it's circuit topography, from input to output, for the signal to travel through. Then, of course, that signal modulates the voltage/current from the amp's power supply through a vacuum rather than of whatever semiconductor(metal-oxide/silicon) your output transistors are made. Some SS amps are designed well enough to allow the signal from a tubed pre to pass unaltered by their signature, but most are not as transparent as a well designed tubed circuit equipped with quality tubes. Now watch the fur fly! =8^)
Tubes and transistors do not sound the same. The reasons are not entirely clear ; there are various explanations but the simplest one is that there are many things about sound reproduction that are not yet understood. While the general principals of electronics are reasonably well understood how they apply in particular circumstances is not always predictable. Audio design begins with science and proceeds to art. While there are some who think you can predict the sound of a component from its circuit or spec sheet they tend to be those with little experience. Remember the only job of the PREAMP is to amplify signals and to add equalization in the case of phono stages. Amplifying the signal is not a simple task or all amps would sound the same. The questions you ask sound simple but really have no answers; they are ones you will have to decide for yourself by listening.