Question on Emm labs Dac6 vs Dac6e

I am considering to purchase a pre-owned Meitner separate, very much confused for the models, especially some has Dac6, some Dac6e, I know the latest are DAC 6e SE, can anyone tell me what is difference between Dac6 and 6e, is it significant as 6e to 6eSE?
Guidocorona - I too have heard great things about the MPS-5 and read Mike Lavigne's review. But I question your comment about the price of the MPS unit being a fraction of the EMM labs rigs. I think I recall seeing "used" EMM labs rigs selling for $6 to $8K vs. the MPS-5 which has an introductory price of approx. $10K, but soon to increase to $15K. Please set me straight if my assumptions are innaccurate.

Jonathan Tinn (Jtinn) can give you the latest on web site, pricing, and contact info.

As Pdreher said which is true, my budget is around 5k for some used units, some older version of meitner separatets are around that here. I don't see any playback design in agon sale though, I don't think I can get such new release here pretty soon.

Hi Tabl10s,
What about spectral? How would that compare to meitner non-SE separates?
Oops, my apologies Grandetech! Even at intro prices you'd be blowing your budget with the PD. I have a TEAC X-01 Limited and positively love it. Some of the TEAC X-01 or X-01 Limited units that pop up on Agon from time to time may come within your budget. Like EMM, they sound magnificent after a LONG break in; X-01 are built like tanks and re very reliable; being single box units they do not require a miriad of extra PCs and ICs. Unfortunately I have never made an side-by-side comparison of my X-01 Limited with the EMM stack, so I do not even know myself which of the two I would prefer from a sonic/musical point of view.