Questions on treating my system nicely

Don't know how to research if this info has already been covered, so thanks for any help.

I just have a mid-level system that I'm happy with for where I am in life right now, but I like to treat everything like it cost a thousand times more.

Question 1.)
On my NAD C 320BEE integrated amp, it has a "plunger-type" button for on/off. When left pushed in for the "on" position, I can then use the remote control to turn the amp on and off. I'm wondering if it's better on the amp to plunger the button off when not in use or is the circuitry/etc in the same off state either way. The only difference I can see is a standby light that comes on when using the remote, but no noise or any other indication that anything is on. Is doing one or the other better/less wear on the system?

Question 2.)
On the same amp, the volume knob is "motorized" (physically turns when I use the remote control). Is it stressed at all to turn the knob by hand? Better to use remote control? I also have an older AMC integrated amp that I do not have a remote for. On that one, even the source selector knob is motorized and gives a very audible noise when I turn it by hand. It just feels like it would prefer to be controlled through a remote.

These may be silly questions of no real consequence, but I imagine the level of audio geekery around here can understand my need to ask. Thank so much!
1. Keep button on and do turn on/off only when you are reconnecting it.
2. Adjust volume by hand and remote at your personal convenience.
Thank you! I figured if there were any differences in how the amp was affected it would be extremely minor, but over the course of a lifetime of use that could be an aggregate impact that might amount to something. Thanks for the reply!
Use the remote. The button on front is when you want to take stuff apart of move etc. When just daily listening use the remote on off.

For the volume, it does not matter at all if you turn it by hand or with the remore.
I have two preamps with remote volume control and always turn them by hand.. no problem. (they are right next to myy listening position, so it is actually easier to do by hand than remote.
If you really want to treat it nicely, take it to a quality restaurant for lunch. Not the Olive Garden or Applebees again, splash out on the Outback Steakhouse. It'll sound much better.

Past that, leave the on/off button in the on position and use your remote. And operate the volume by hand, this will save the motor that operates the volume control.
Nice! Gonna skip out on Outback though. This amp only dreams of electric sheep (and cows).

I like the thought on using hand-adjusted volume to save the motor though it was contrary to my earlier assumption. It seems that either way is fine, as people have answered, but since both are equally convenient for me I figured I'd start a lifelong habit if any one was better than the other. Thanks all.