The above companies offer inexpensive speaker cables, especially Paul Speltz's compamy ANTI-CABLE, Has anyone tried one or both of these speaker cables??? I am always suspicious of claims of outperforming speaker cables costing 5 to 10 times more.

I just sold Acoustic Zen Hologram 2 speaker cable because it is too awkward, and easy to trip over. Need some feedback about the above inexpensive cables. Thank you
I have had very good results with anticables although I use a very short length between my monoblocks and Von Schweikert VR4jrs. I have the biwires and they came pretwisted. They outperformed several other much higher priced cables in my system.
My results are the same as Dpatterson. Short anti-cables ranging from 2 to 3 feet, biwired, from monoblocks next to the speakers. Maybe it wouldn't matter what the speaker cables were like for such a short distance, but the anti cables work fine for me. No complaints.
UPDATE: I bought the Audio Art SC-5 SPEAKER cables which sound nice, and I am impressed so far; however, I can tell they are not in same league as AZ's Hologram 2. They soundstage better, and have somewhat tigther bass, but about a half to a full octave of resolution is missing through out the entire midrange....that is, you don't see as deep into the recording.

AA's SC-5SE (special edition) may fill that in, but for now I will stick with this lesser model, and maybe try Paul Speltz "Anti-Cable" speaker cable. Problem is: I am on somewhat of crazed summer upgrade jag, and must severely limit the upgrades to one or two items to appreciate their individual improvements to the sound of the system
The coating on the Anti-Cables is not "magic sauce." There's no secret to these cables, they just work very well for some people in some systems. But talk about awkward!
Paul Speltz also has silver cables...more expensive but brings out that last little bit that makes the difference.