Raidho C1 vs C1.1 and soundstaging vs Dynaudio C1 Platinum

Hey there, I'm looking for some advice, due to lack of ability to audition - hope someone here can help;
I'm looking to get either a Dynaudio C1 Platinum or a Raidho C1, but I'm worried about two things: how is the soundstaging of the Raidho compared to Dynaudio? My experience with Dynaudio has been one of unparalleled width, height and depth of soundstage, as well as good precision, and a sound that seems to be detached from the speakers, even when you're not in the sweetspot. By comparison, most others, especially AMT's like my Monitor Audio PL100 seem somewhat smaller in scale, and works best in the sweetspot - that and the speakers don't seem to "disappear" in the same way, especially not if you walk around the room...
I love Dynauido as you can tell, but my impression is that the Raidho's are more detailed/precise, which is important to me as I listen to a lot of very complex music (like progressive/symphonic rock/metal) and mostly at low volume since I'm in an appartment

And lastly, does anyone know how big of a difference there is between the Raidho C1 and C1.1?

Thank you - good to hear the Dynaudio's live up to their heritage - the question then becomes how the raidho compare... And if the original Raidho C1 is worth getting or a poor investment... There's just no 1.1 within reach neither physically or price-wise at the moment.
Can’t tell you about the Raidho, but I have lots of experience with the Dyn C1.

I have had numerous speakers over many years, and as far as soundstaging I have never heard better.  The image is quite wide, deep, and of most importance every instrument is in the proper place.  Uncanny actually.

I replaced mine with Harbeth SLH5, which I love, but the soundstage does not compare to my C1’s.  Sometimes I miss them for that reason alone.  And they are not at all critical as far as placement is concerned.