Raven AC3

I am considering this table. Would love to hear from owners, current/long term. Some threads refer to the table as colored/dark - others refute. Do you think this is set-up driven or truly a reflection of the table?

Showing 1 response by philb7777

I don't have a Raven AC-3 but do have a new Raven AC-1. The build quality is second to none. If your musical tastes include black velvety backgrounds, smooth refined (but not rounded) highs, and solid bass extension then this is a good table to audition. I also have the TW 10.5 tonearm and highly recommend it. TW customre service is also excellent.

I'm sure there are other fine tables out there, and I have a friend with a Merrill. It's just not my cup of tea. I've seen the Kronos. Sexy table. Just not much track record for it yet. Personally I wouldn't want to be a beta-tester for that kind of money.