RB-300:help ;I think I'm wacked

This thing cracks me up. I just replaced my old immedia rpm arm with my rb-300. Now, I know it sounds good, I knew that. But yet it still blows my mind, enough to make me laugh uncontrollably, like when I eat chicken from the barbaque and it taste better than I can comprehend.
And here is more to laugh at. Not only are these things all over used, but the most expensive rega arm is 1000 bucks. ONLY 1000 bucks. Brand new retail.
O.K., forget about price. I would like your help in taking this thing to the limit. I have already done the following; rewired with a single run of cardas from cartridge directly to M. Yee phono parked right along side of table, added weight to the counter weight, not much, (about 50 percent of origional small weight), and backed off the spring pressure as to not have it touch or bind (can't have that, right?), and stuffed the arm with foam, and replaced the silicone insert at the headshell, you know the one, the one those origional cheesy wires come out of.
Does anyone know of any more succesful, or popular mods that have ever been done? Any different ones? Any experience with different wire? Nothing is too rediculas for me. I wonder if this arm might eventually become close to the best possible. Sound absurd?
Well,heres a tweak I've read works.
Bust off the finger wand on the head shell.
Well,maybe busting it isnt cool but cutting it off and filing it clean will do.
From what I've read the finger wand is microphonic and the removal of it cleans up the music some.
Do it I dare ya!!! I couldnt do it with my old RB-600.
I will look into these with interest.
I have heard it rumored that the rb-300 has better bearings than the rb-250. The same, just better. I don't know if it's true, but it would be good to know, just the same. Other than that, is not the only difference between the rb-250 and rb-300 the spring, and if that is the only thing that makes the rb-250 a better candidate, than why not remove it altogether?
Also, I understand that the rb-900 uses completely different bearings than the rb-250 and 300. I can see why it not be a good candidate, as it has that different base. What is a rb-600 axactly? A rb-1000?
Thanks, twl, for all that info. Thats the kind of stuff I like. tons of ideas.
And david99, I will take your dare. I'm not afraid.
Regarding the fingerwand.. I have found that dampening it does help for those that are afraid to grind the sucker down... Try some small heat shrink tube with a little left over... it is a safe way to dampen it...
It worked nicely for me... I just couldnt wizz the thing off... Sorry.
The reason that you don't need to do the mods on the RB 600,900,1000 is that you can get the OL Silver Tonearm for $750, that will be a way better arm than any of the Regas, before or after modification. Why buy an arm that costs more and won't do as well? The OL arms use Rega bases, and fit right into the Rega arm hole. The 250 and 300 are cheap enough to be good candidates for mods, and not cost too much after you're done. Anything over $750 is a wrong move. If you plan to spend that much, buy the OL Silver Tonearm. It has the better bearings, a widened bearing yoke distance, and a totally different armtube/headshell. This is better than any modded Rega.

You have to be careful when doing mods, that you don't spend more than the amount where you can do better by buying something else.
Actually, the new RB1000 arm is $1595.00, well over a thousand bucks. Anyone out there heard it yet?