Recommend a forward speaker

Apologies in advance for cross posting this on AA as well, but figure there might be some different suggestions over here.

When I say forward, I mean the music is presented forward on the stage, NOT necessarily bright (but could lean that way).

I've got a pair of Verity Audio Parsifals, and they are not forward, and although I love their coherent and open sound, sometimes I feel like the stage is just too far back. I've done a lot to bring it forward: silver cables (Stereovox), Amperex 6922 in my amps, Canary ca 160 amps, Emm front end, still, the basic character of the speakers are still laid back. The soundstage at this point is probably about 3 to 4 feet behind the plane of the speakers. I prefer it at or slightly forward the plane of the speaker. That's what I get for buying without listening first. Although, honestly, it took some listening to finally put my hand on this. I was so taken aback by their beautiful, open sound, it was hard to understand their presentation fully.

Showing 1 response by stang500hpaol

now May be towards a lean sound I will predict the because of your existing close wall and double cabinet placement creating a douple corner that any good spaeker will measure up 12 plus db in your right channel placement at the 80 hz mark
This will leave you with the overall impression of heavyness
even with the good speakers and fine electronics that you have. I truly feel in 4 months you will be in the same boat.
I would consider at least becoming more awear of what a Vandersteen 5A can do in your room with the 11 band room
compensation & each speaker performes a smooth full range in room response without these issues returning.
Cheers Johnnyr