Reference level cables that are 10-years old? buy?

Would you buy 10-year old cables? I just found at a local audio store on consignment some old Synergistic Research cables. Upon some research online, they look like the referenre cables reviewed in 1998 in Stereophile. These were originally retailed at something like $6k, $7k each back then. I can have them at 80% off, so somewhere in the $1,200 range. Still expensive for cables, but what the heck.

I am intending to bring them home later today to audition in my system. My current cables include 10-year old MIT MI-330 Pro XLR, Transparent Ultra. The newest cables in my system are a pair of Cardas Golden Ref & Pure Note Paragon Enhanced.

These Synergistic Research cables would replace the MIT, Transparent, and Pure Note.


Showing 1 response by mrtennis

i find the older synergistic cables prefereable to the current production cables. the older cables are more forgiving, more balanced and not overly focused. i find the tesla cables analytical.