Review: Acoustic Revive RR-77 Tweak

Category: Accessories

I consider myself a relatively sane and skeptical audiophile when it comes to devices that offer a higher level of performance with magical explanations of how they work. Well, I had read on Six Moons website a very postive review regarding the Acoustic Revive RR-77 room conditioner, yes room conditioner, but took it with a big grain of salt. Then my good friend and fellow GON member Ted Brady in a conversation tells me that he has not lost his mind, but the damn device worked wonders in his high end system. So, what the heck, it costs $400.00 and I can get one from Music Direct with a 30 day home audition and send it back if it does not work.

It's a very small box that you put behind your speakers at the height of five feet off the ground. It is a type of wave generater that puts into the room a subsonic frequency that either effects how you hear the system in the room or somehow effects the acoustic of the room it self. For alot more information regarding the theory regarding how it works you can go to Six Moons website for alot more details.

Well, I have no real idea how it produces the effects it does, but the damn thing works magic in the following areas:

1)A greater liquidity and oozyness in my system without a loss of PRAT or macrodynamics.

2)More dense images with greater air around each player in the soundstage.

3)A deeper/wider soundstage.

4)Everything sounds more relaxed and natural.

My girlfriend, who is a musician, heard it instantly when she walked in and asked me what did I do this time regarding a new piece of gear. So, I have no rational explanation how it works, but boy does it work in a significant postive way. So, if I have not lost my mind, I recommend you try one in your room. What the heck, you get a 30 day trial from Music Direct. Highly recommended!

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Does the resonator affect dynamics & inner detail?

I purchased one of the resonator clones off Ebay. Powering it with a linear psu with a quality pc. Can easily hear the difference with it on. Yet, it seems as if the dynamics of the leading edge have been softened - such as the initial impact of hitting the skin of a kickdrum or the pick of a guitar string. I’ve tested the resonator in several locations at various heights - with and without using Symposium Point Pods as isolation tweaks. Is softening one of the trade-offs or do I need to keep experimenting with placement?
12 posts
07-07-2016 11:05pm
Never mind.
I saw your avatar, Geoff.
(You do Voodoo?)
Go ahead, have the last word:-

Ah, the superstitious type, eh?
I was pretty skeptical of this, and don’t usually do fringe stuff, but was intrigued enough to get an RR-888. I experimented with positioning it in several  different places in the room, just using the wall wart that came with it. My best compromise is about 6 feet off the ground, at a point perpendicular to the speakers, aimed from one side about a foot in front of the speaker line.
I eventually bought a linear power supply for it- a bench type with multiple channels, a large toroidal transformer, and the ability to limit voltage and current, connected with Switchcraft barrel plug and banana plugs. I like what it does, and have now idea how it works- I gather the effect may be on the person, rather than some mysterious blocking of EMF. And no, I don’t take substances when I listen or otherwise. :)
Never mind.
I saw your avatar, Geoff.
(You do Voodoo?)
Go ahead, have the last word:-
10 posts
06-28-2016 9:39am
That's the official line.
The current model is the 888 anyway.
It's not painted with magic symbols inside, but it WORKS!
I saved $400 for the same performance.
I'm happy.

I happy if you're happy. But I kind of doubt your eBay unit has the same performance as the real McCoy. I never said the eBay version doesn't work. But everything is relative. That's why there's an RR-77, RR-777 and RR-888 and why aftermarket power supplies further improve them.


Maybe my satisfaction is a side effect of the RR-777 unit being on and the baroque music I'm currently enjoying?

Should I turn it off?

Maybe later.  Ahhhh


That's the official line. 
The current model is the 888 anyway.
It's not painted with magic symbols inside, but it WORKS!
I saved $400 for the same performance.
I'm happy.

I heard through the grapevine that those eBay R-777 units are knock offs. Which might explain why the prices are "more in line with reality." ;-) They are sold as "used" so as not to raise too many doubts as to their authenticity. Ditto with high end cables on eBay from the orient.

I have had my RR-777 for over six months now.
I found a "Non official" used  one on ebay from Japan. Cost  $180, which is more in line with reality.It looked new , by the packaging and condition.
The effect is of getting immersed in the soundstage, rather than having it laid out in front of you. There is a more relaxed 3D quality to the sound.
In my texts with BAGRANT, he commented that the sound is more annoying with the unit turned off!
That's how you notice the effect most- you miss it when it's off.
There is now a seller of schumann generators with adjustable field strength and massively greater output for the same price. Much cheaper than the questionable practice of using multiple units. How would you know they are producing their pulses in unison? 
It has dual chartres pattern coil antennas.
Look at this on eBay
There was a bench test video demonstrating the increased output compared to the 777....
Has anyone tried it?


Schumanns need to be at least 6 feet off the floor for optimum results.
Shelf, stand, bracket attached to the wall...
In my experience, better sounding with nothing above
the unit and "into" the listening space... make sense?

You're welcome. I use shelving and then stack small utility boxes on the shelves. It may not look beautiful, but the music is. It's worth the trouble.
"Everything" makes a difference... right?

Try this one: play a cd (however you typically treat or don't
treat it before inserting in the machine). One track should do it.
Next, remove the cd and place it, label side up, on the Schumann Resonator, for five seconds, or longer, if you like.

Re-insert and play. Do you hear a difference?

Thanks very much for letting me know. I do vibration isolation for my components but I did not know that Schumanns could also benefit from this. I will give it a try. How does the sound quality change?
Sabai, thanks for the response. How can you tell the difference between affecting the signal and affecting yourself? Cheers, Geoff
Sabai, I would like to add "vibration isolation"
to your list. My Schumann unit is placed at the end of a piece of maple,
sitting on a shelf at the rear of the room, six feet high, extending into the room. The quality of the isolating device changes the sound.
My choice is Symposium Rollerblocks.

My unit, "Earthsafe Whole House" from Less EMF Inc.,
has two nice features. It has a ground cord to inject the signal
into the wiring of the house (their claim). And it has a dial
so you can adjust the output of the unit. I can coordinate it
with a Synergistic Research FEQ and a Kemp SR that
are in the front of the room.
Hi Geoffkait,

I think it operates on both. It is easy to observe its effect on the signal, but not so easy to observe its effect on the listener.
Hi, Sabai, does the Schumann frequency device operate on the signal (acoustic waves) or on the listener?
Using Schumanns effectively is not a simple matter of unboxing and turning on. Among those interested in Schumanns in the audio community, I do not think that there is a good understanding of how to optimize their use.

There are 5 factors impinging on the effectiveness of Schumanns:

1. The kind of Schumanns used (not all Schumanns are equal).
2. The number of units used.
3. The location of the units.
4. The height of the units.
5. The direction of the units.

It takes quite a bit of experimenting with Schumanns to figure out what works best. In my system, I have one unit of Schumann version 1, 6 units of Schumann version 2, and 8 units of Schumann version 3 -- with more to come.

Cumulatively, Schumanns can greatly improve SQ, with the result being more enjoyment of the music. Schumanns work synergistically with Steinmusic Harmonizers, Shakti Hallographs, QRT Symphonies, Synergistic Research ART and other tweaks and accessories. Each addresses a somewhat different but complementary aspect of SQ.
Most Schumanns need to be at least 6 feet off the floor for optimum results. Height, location and direction are key to their success. Using multiple units will greatly improve results.
I can vouch for Bagrant's review.Finally got over to his place a couple of weeks ago for a fun evening of music. Never heard his system sound so musical,warm & spacious!
Hope he will come over soon & bring the RR-777 along.
I have already decided to get one if it has the same effect on my music room/ system/ wife!
How does the 26K mile Schumann wave fit in the room? That's what I'd like to know about it. And why is about five feet above the floor the best place for the device?
I am using three RR-77 in my listening room and they are a must when I listen to music.
A fourth one is prmanently on in the room I'm working.
I'd like to test the RR-777 too
Interesting comments regarding the perception that the 7.83Hz Schumann frequency pulse generator affected one of the Audiogon member's voice (or, at least, he subjectively believed that to be the case).

I have this item, albeit a different brand, and have noticed that when it's turned on, my personal "staying power" is enhanced while both the sound and this author are soft and flabby when it's turned off.
I have an RR-777. At first I thought it didn't work. I was listening for more bass, detail, that sort of thing. Once I heard it, it became impossible to live without it. I leave it on all the time because the listening/living room feels better with it!

Its effect on my voice is obvious. Without it, my voice sounds drier and more inside me. With it, my voice is more liquid and fills the room more. I hear the same difference with my bamboo flute.

My 10 yr-old who cares nought for hifi, could hear it with her violin. She was mystified how flipping a switch on a little box, could change the sound of her playing. It was interesting to me to watch her try to describe what she heard, She has no vocabulary for sonic differences. She liked my "wetter," as a description of the sound with.


So, what are your impressions of the RR-777 versus the IPC Energizers versus the SMusic boxes? What are SMusic boxes?

Got 3 IPC Energizers coming and two SMusic boxes coming. Along with the 777 I hope they all work together like Snowdon and Putin!!
Well boys and girls the 777 does clear the air waves in my sitting room. Great little guy. Maybe better than the 77 with upgraded power supply that I had @ one time. Anyone chuck the WW and buy a power supply for it and hear a big difference.?
The Kemp Schumann Frequency wall plug has been garnering some very favorable attention. Google Stereo Times review by Clement Perry.

Have the 777 coming my way. Top of the speakers? Need one more for that to work . I will try it that way. 3 - 777's may be to much of a good thing.
Yes Nhaudio, try explaining to your wife how you bought two more...HA
I bought a different brand here used. Same findings, I did finally pry it open enough (was glued tight) to see a PC board inside. It does nothing for me. Mine has a red power light. Maybe the blue power lights sound better. I am still trying to hear a difference with the Quantom Symphony Pro I purchased here. Maybe I should stop listening to music and just listen to gear.
I will pass on further investments and focus instead on getting a second Tice clock.

I had the same experience until I focused on placement. Schumann devices work well in multiples. You will likely get the best results with Schumann devices by placing 2 of them at least 6 feet off the floor -- preferably on top of the speakers -- with a third unit in the middle of your system just above ground level.
If the "why not sell it" comment was directed to me, the answer is I couldn't, in good conscience, do so. Anyway, for the $350 or whatever it was, I'll consider it a lesson not to buy a "tweak," let alone any product, absent a right to return it within a reasonable time period.
I bought one. I couldn't tell any difference nor could every person who has ever heard it on my system. I've hidden it for fear my wife will laugh at my idiotic purchase.
Got one 777 coming from Japan this week . Had the 77 at one time and it does work.
I received the second rr-77 today. First impression: unbelievable. The speakers completely disappeared and the soundstage is huger than huge. Front / back is very impressive and so is the width. Tonight I'm going to experiment with placement because with the first rr-77 I've noticed that this can add a lot. I'll share my "final" placement of the two units and let you know howe it sounds....
I bought the new rr777 with king rex mk 2 psu. Wohhhh! Just can't believe it. I have a dedicated listening room and without rr777 it sounds very good. With rr777 it sounds like audioheaven. Why? Enormous soundstage, width and depth and a far greater tonal palet! With classical music all instruments have much more air and their one space. The "you are there" factor. It's very addictive. I'm still experimenting with placement but so far 1,5 m high on top of the cd player sounds the best. I'm so excited I've ordered a second one and king rex. I have the king rex already and expect the rr777 next week..........
Hi Dnobel,

Thanks for your direct reply. I still have and use the unit and feel I do now understand its effects -- to sum up there is an ease about the music and it also seems more dimensional. Results have varied depending on placement, including height. IMO its a worthwhile tweak for the used price I paid. Not sure about spending $600 for one new based on what I'm hearing, however this is def a case of YMMV, and perhaps others who claim a 'profound' change are really getting their money's worth.
Tholt, I just stumbled on this thread and saw your several-months-old query with no reply to date.

I have owned an RR-77 for well over a year now. While I saw that one person on this thread claims to be able to feel the energy coming off the Acoustic Revive when it is plugged in, I cannot. The only physical evidence I get that it is powered up is the blue light.

On the other hand, I can hear a definite improvement in the music when it is on, mostly involving a deeper, wider soundstage. For me it is perceptible and significant, but apparently not as dramatic as others have reported.

I believe the relative effectiveness of this tweak depends on the convergence of several variables: the room, the system, the source material, and the person who is listening. Listening to the same music in the same space through the same equipment, some people will hear a dramatic difference, some subtler improvements, while others will hear virtually nothing.

Experiment with different device placement and listening to different kinds of music at different times of day. If it doesn't do anything for you...well, it is what it is. Maybe it's not for you.
Hello, another revival of this thread. I just bought a used one, and do need to follow up with Krell Man's question of how one knows it's working? Is there any physical signs from the unit itself (ie vibration and/or sound, other than the light) or do all of you know it's on because you just hear it's effect?

I have not found profound effects in my case, they are subtle, and I am not entirely convinced it's not even psychological. I have only had it for an evening so I will do more listening. At any rate, I put my hand on the unit and didn't feel anything. At least the light comes on when I turn it on.