Rhodium vs Gold AC connectors

Hi dear fellows.Does anybody tried these type of connectors in power cords?In my case I don`t know which could be the differences in sound performances between them.I heard that rhodium connectors have more extended hights frequences , more airy and fluid than gold connectors, but also that they can produce a non-lively sound, with too much control.Regarding Gold connectors I red that they produce a warmer sound, specially in the mids, but with not so much detail as rhodium.Is it true?I will appreciate your comments to make a proper decision.Thanks in advance!Raf
I agree with you michaelzay, the topic of this thread is connectors and outlets, I do not desire to be the topic, there is no reason for it, I have heard a substantial difference between the furutech GTX-D Gold and Rhodium on my system with many other family members, to tell me that is impossible is right out odd and strange!, you are the one who has no merit here about the difference of these two outlets, you have NEVER auditioned the two for weeks in your system, I have!
Ooops Audiolab, I forgot those speaker binding posts and replacement caps you bought, ok i'll be generous and say $1500 used then. Well that's an interesting story about your Ayon player. My comments were based on a first hand account of you telling another member your player blew up in an electrical storm after you left it on. Kind of embarassing. I think I would change my story as well if that happened to me. But to stick the US Distributor with the tab for your own carelessness was not cool.

Re your comment "I do not desire to be the topic", lol! You are a walking self-promoting topic!

As for your comments accusing me of being a hypocrit for having not a-b compared the GTX-D(R) and GTX-D(G) in my system, you have completely missed my point. You should not be making broud generalizations about the differences between the GTX-D (G) & (R) outlets when your system is not capable of acccurately assessing those differences. I don't care how much you talk up your JBL's and Vincent cd player/preamp. And, I might add, you are not capable of objectively and rationally conveying any differences you hear. You proclaim what your latest flavour of the month as "the best there is", and talk down the 'loser' like it is a model down. I mean your commentary defies physics, but nothing changes there.

As for my system. I have a much higher fidelity system than yours and you know that. It is also more neutral and able to accurately convey the difference between cables and wpo's. It's not about whether or not I have a-b compared the outlets in my system. But if I did, I could accurately describe the differences between the outlets which I would venture to suggest would be a much greater value than your misleading comments.
whatever!, go ahead, a/b the outlets then come tell us your impression's, then, I can say, I told you so, I recommend that you do it instead of argueing that I cannot hear a difference, also, I have never told anyone that my old player was damaged in an electrical storm ever, there would have been far more damage than infant tube failure and a power board to the power supply to go out, really!
you need to leave me alone!, I have not said nothing out of the way to you!, this was a very good thread until you came here to try to discredit me, I have every right to talk about these outlets that I spent weeks a/b ing,I made my pick on what works for me, do what works for you, that is all that matters!
also, I will add, my vincent cd-s7 floors the fricken Ayon cd-s2 in every way possible with sound reproduction on my system, the ayon was over priced garbage audio!, I cannot stand the sound of 6h30 russian tubes, they are forward sounding by nature, you do not know nothing about vincent audio's sound!, my system out performs many costlier than mine period, my system is $60,000.00 retail, that is enough for me currently!, there is not much difference between a system at $60,000.00 and $150,000.00, the return is very small, are you sure you are a seasoned audiophile?, I have been building system's that out perform most costlier all my life!, do not bother to talk to me any longer, talk tosome one who will listen to you, I do not need no opinon's from you to build!