ribbon or electrostatic speakers

Are there any ribbon or electrostatic speakers that you can feel the impact of the bass?

Showing 4 responses by seadogs1

Muralman1, no I don't have Advents but I do have Avantgarde Duo's and yes I did get a friend Scintillas. I really like the Scintillas but unlike my friend I worry about parts and worry more about who can repair them. Thanks!
Audiokinesis, always interested in new speakers. When you have more info ie; website, price, lit., etc. please email me. You stated you will be peddling the Gilmore Audio, are you a dealer? If so, where are you located? Have you heard these new speakers? If so, how do they compare with the Apogee Scintillas or Divas? Thanks!
Hi Muralman, How do you get in touch with the 14 year Apogee veteran? What's his name and does he have an email address, phone #, or web site? Thanks!