RIP Kenny Rankin

Kenny Rankin, singer/songwriter/inspiration and so much more, passed away yesterday after a brief illness.. see or yahoo news today.. He will be sadly missed.. He made music like no other....
This news is terrible. Kenny is one of my favorites of all time. Everytime he played anywhere near our area we went. This is shocking to say the least.
I saw Kenny Rankin play in NYC many,many years ago. My memory is:

Beautiful songs
Beautiful singing
A great sense of humor.

He announced to the crowd, "Here's one you all know" and played the riff from "Smoke On The Water" before doing (I think - remember this is a long time ago) "Silver Morning".

He just came across as a great musician AND a likeable guy. It's sad that he's gone.

Oh man, I was just watching a DVD of him the other day. What a loss! I have fond memories of his music while in high school growing up in the 70's...oh well, up until now.
Correction. Wrong song. Brain Flatulence.
Appolgies to the family, and I am sure that he has
a new "Peaceful" song in his heart now.