RMAF Loudspeakers?

Seeking ideas for high sensitivity (95+dB), 6-8 ohm nominal, flat impedance loudspeakers to audition at RMAF.

Daedalus Audio is one I am aware of.

I would have liked to listen to offerings from Devore, Zu Audio, WLM and Audiokinesis, but those manufacturers are not listed as exhibitors.

Any other ideas I may have overlooked?

Showing 7 responses by mapman

I see German Physiks had a room at RMAF.

Did anybody get a listen of their stuff and how it compared to mbl say?

I'm also interested in where you end up along the low power tube amp/hi efficiency speaker road. I've also thought about setting up a system along those lines, maybe as an upgrade for my current two-channel A/V second system that runs pretty well currently off a vintage, low wattage SS Yamaha receiver.

I recall you endorsing Klipsch Forte. Are those in the big leagues in your opinion for the type of system you describe or more of a minor league (though cost effective) contender?
Were the Blue Cicle Pennys being demoed this year? Did anybody hear them and get any impressions?
Were the Classic Audio speakers at the show the ones using the field coil driver technology?

That is something truly unique and different that I would love to hear.

YEs, I think the field coil concept is one that truly can open up some new horizons in sound reproduction, if done right.

Maybe this technology will get a foothold again somehow and prices will drop. I would not think it necessarily such a complex or expensive technology to develop these days if given some benefits of economy of scale.

I have my own vision of the ultimate speaker being something along the lines of an OHM Walsh omni with field coil driver technology applied to the Walsh driver for greater efficiency, etc.

With an omni design, you might not need a barn to prevent damage to your hearing since less sound reaches your ears directly.

Maybe someday....

I'd love to hear some good "Porcupine Tree" in a big room on a pair of speaks like the Classic Audios with the field coil technology. That would truly be awesome.
"King Crimson's second LP"

Wake Of Poseidon, as I recall.

An often overlooked yet very powerful and well recorded mellotron-rich prog-rock classic with great vocals by Greg Lake. That would be awesome as well as well as the first ELP, which is also very well recorded and has some wonderful organ parts to boot as I recall!

It is a goal of mine to make it to the RMAF someday. Besides good music and sound and all the rest, I also always look forward as well to trips out to that part of the country.