Rowland service

I bought a new Rowland Model 5 years ago. About 15 years ago I sold it to a friend. He had a problem about 10 years ago. Sent it to Rowland and in a matter of weeks got it back and had tunes again. Last year another problem came up. November 20 2013 it was shipped to Rowland. After a month my friend called. A receptionist answers and tells him Jeff Rowland will call back. That did not happen and it has not happened with his repeated attempts. I Emailed Rowland but have not gotten a reply yet. Is there any one out there that knows Jeff Rowland and knows what is going on with the company? Has any one else had poor customer service? I have not heard bad comments of Jeff Rowland all the years he has been in business. This really surprises and makes me mad at the same time.

Thanks for any comments good or bad. Hope my friend has a good ending to this bad experience.
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Showing 2 responses by aolmrd1241

"Apparently, only Jeff himself is able to work on the older classic designs....I'm pretty impressed."

So when Jeff dies,so does any repair work on older designs? Not good business sense...
Daveyf,I do agree with you about Jeff. I just don't believe that Rowland should put all of their eggs into one basket. But that's just me...