Search for miracle integrated

Hello All,

I'm on a search for a very specific type of integrated. I am upgrading my system from the top of the stream down. I go all digital / Lossless quality or higher so the logical start was with the DAC. I just received my Yggdrasil which I absolutely LOVE and feel that I got a much better value than I was expecting (even with all the praise online it met and exceeded my expectations).

My quest continues with the integrated. I am looking for a company that spends very little on marketing and works to move as much of the value for the money to the product itself. Very high value is important to me, I want to get value above the price and I don't want to pay for anything I don't need (such as a built-in DAC as I already have one). The more musical and the higher the clarity the better. My short list is pretty short- the SimAudio Moon 600i and Ayre's integrated.  Some other factors are below. I typically buy new but I'm open to a good value in a used product as well.

Budget (only for the integrated): $8K+/-
Music preference: classical, light rock, pop
End speakers:  It is between Accoustic Zen Crescendo / Vandy Quatros / Wilson Sophias / Revel Salon Ultimas 
Power: 150 WPC+ into 8 ohm

@aardvarkbark, good move on the INT-250. The pass has tube-like sweetness. warmth & a forgiving top end, along with the control to get the best out of the D2's which still have a brightish top end. For the same reason I think Vitus would work well with those speakers.
@melbguy1 -- I was considering the Vitus RI-100 since it's about the same price and has slightly more power.  Alas, Vitus does not have a service center in US.  In the unlikely event it would require service, I wouldn't be happy having to send it back to Denmark.
It would be just $500-$600 round trip, not a problem for me. American market is full of holes, very limited choice sometimes. 
Personally, I am about to ship my Redgum to Australia for some repairs and tune up. After that it should work fine for years. 
@aardvarkbark, I'm not 100% sure about that. I would check specifically with either Bob at Rhapsody Audio in NYC or Mike at Suncoast Audio who are both Vitus dealers. I would be *very* surprised if there was no authorized repairer in the US. With that said, Vitus Signature series gear is very well made. I have had no problem with my gear...built like a tank.

Actually, I purchased my INT-250 from Mike after confirming with him and directly with Vitus by email that (two months ago) there was no authorized service center in the US and that a unit requiring repair would indeed have to go abroad.  They say they are in discussions to establish one, but at this price point, I prefer the comfort of knowing that I can send my PASS to the manufacturer here in this country.  Frankly, one hopes these never require service, but the fact is that periodically they do.

Plus, I certainly don't regret my decision to get the PASS, so whether or not Vitus ever establishes US service center is now a non-issue for me.
Good work aardvarkbark, I agree, at that price point having the piece of mind of a local authorized service center is essential. I was adjusting some cables in my system a few months back & accidentally caused an 'arc' which blew the fuses in my Vitus cdp. I was able to swap out the fuses in a few minutes, but to be on the safe side I had the player checked over by the authorized service centre. The player was fine, the contacts just needed cleaning. But that shows the importance of having a local service center.

Btw, smart move going for the INT-250. If I didn't already own Vitus gear, I would have seriously consider that amp. The only real downside for synergy is that Pass don't offer a killer cdp like the SCD-025Mk2.
Pass Labs has its niche' in the marketplace. I would not want this company to build a CDP.
2nd Note;

I rather enjoy the Esoteric for SACD playback only.  Happy Listening!
Not many serious high end amp manufacturers have the ability to design and manufacture a high end cd player (Vitus, Soulution, MBL, Zanden, Accuphase & Audionote come to mind).
You forgot Gryphon and Ypsilon. Also, some Like LAMM or VAC are simply not interested in this.
inna2,871 posts11-19-2016 3:50pmYou forgot Gryphon and Ypsilon. Also, some Like LAMM or VAC are simply not interested in this.
Nope, didn’t forget Gryphon. Ypsilon don’t make a CD player. As for Lamm and VAC, If they tell you they’re not interested in designing a cdp, you’re not hearing the full story. CD players are still selling well, albeit the penny has dropped on companies like Esoteric who are no longer designing new SACD players.

LAMM and VAC have enough stuff to sell, don't need it. Gryphon makes it only because they want to have all Gryphon system and they don't make turntables. Why Ypsilon makes it I have no idea of, maybe they are thinking of making speakers too and have all Ypsilon set-up. CD players are going to be completely obsolete very soon. My player is in the closet unlike turntable and tape deck. It's either analogue or computer.
inna2,873 posts11-19-2016 5:14pm

LAMM and VAC have enough stuff to sell, don’t need it. Gryphon makes it only because they want to have all Gryphon system and they don’t make turntables. Why Ypsilon makes it I have no idea of, maybe they are thinking of making speakers too and have all Ypsilon set-up. CD players are going to be completely obsolete very soon. My player is in the closet unlike turntable and tape deck. It’s either analogue or computer.
Firstly, that is a cd transport, not a cd player. Therefore my reply was 100% correct.

Secondly, you can conclude whatever you like about the decline of cd sales, and Lamm or Vac’s position on designing a cd player. For Lamm or Vac to design and build a cd player as good as the Vitus SCD-025 Mk2 or Soulution 541/746 within a profitable model would require a significant investment in both engineering, tooling and factory space few high end manufacturers have the capacity or willpower to do.

As for the demise of cd’s, the fact is there are billions of cd’s in circulation. And whilst cd’s and cd player sales are in decline, their is still a niche market for desirable high end cd players for audiophiles like me who still enjoy spinning cd’s. Btw, I doubt your player would be in the closet if you owned any of the above-mentioned spinners ;).

Everything (gear) has its proper place. I like Bryston power amps, I would never buy their loudspeakers. I would not wish VAC , VTL or LAMM to build a cdp either.

Happy Listening!
jafant4,622 posts11-19-2016 9:58pmEverything (gear) has its proper place. I like Bryston power amps, I would never buy their loudspeakers. I would not wish VAC , VTL or LAMM to build a cdp either.
...that's good, that means the wait time to deliver a Vitus or Soulution cdp is less for us audiophiles who appreciate them.
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It is interesting to see so many well-intended recommendations that seemingly ignore your list of requirements.  There are lots of amps that will meet your stated needs - mostly solid state.  IMO the finest sounding SS integrated amplifier I have heard is the GamuT Di150.  These are occasionally available used for well within your budget.  The newer Di150 Limited Edition is quite a big upgrade in terms of sound but it is probably out of your budget, unless a miracle occurs and you can find a used one.
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seriously are we still thrashing this around? just get some good speakers and a sweet little amp, it dosen't have to say " Reference " after the model, we will still be on board.