Seasoned Mcintosh Fans lend me your ears & advise

Hi All,
I guess I have become a Mcintosh Fanatic. It's all I think about of late, besides being with My Family, eating, and sex. My first listen to Mcintosh gear was when I was auditioning some Paradigm speakers at my dealer, about 1.5 years ago. The combo was the (now discontinued) Mc122 amp + Mc C-15 Pre + Sony Es Cd player + Mini Monitors. The Cd I Brought was Paul McCartney's (All My Best). This was the best music I'd ever heard (that type of playback that sings to the soul). Possibly all I ever need.

**My Current Rig: Rotel RB 976 amp, Parasound 850 pre, Cambridge Audio D500SE CD, Klipsch RF-3II's & Paradigm Mini's speakers. (Can't equal that type of playback thus far)

**Questions: (1) Do all "Mac amps" have a signature sound(70's models *250-MC2105 vs Updated *7100-MC162)? (2)Is the sound I heard mainly in the amp alone or will I also need to get the C-15? (3)If you guys had to have Mac's and on limited budget which would you consider?

I'd love to have one of their intergrated's (6500\6900). But, They are way over My budget.

Thanx for any comments,
Hey Jalen - I know what you are going through. I became an instant Mc fan after auditioning the MC352 and C41. Suddenly my Krell equip didn't seem to do it anymore. I have since auditioned or borrowed the MC6200, MC6500, Mc6900, MC2205, Mc240(tube), MC202, mx110, c15, c712, and c100. All of them are excellent with the 6200 being one of the best values since you don't have to worry about preamp matching and can be had cheap. I was amazed at the sound that little green and black unit could produce (this was on Tannoy 700) and the owner was the original one and could not part with it for anything.

I had a MC2125 and C33 for a while that I bought for a song as a pair and they were even more tube-like and sometimes I thought they were too much so. They did not seem to keep up with my fast music (for most, this would be moot) and this was by far the only hesitation. Midrange was the silkiest ever for ss. I then got a little MC7100 which is direct coupled (no autoformers) and I am amazed by it. I had it with the c33 for a while but wanted the c712 since it matches very well and has only the features I want with awesome noise specs. I got it and could not be happier. I will eventually get an amp with autoformers but I am in no hurry.

The 7100 beats my KSA-100 in many aspects like, smoothness, crystal highs that somehow never hurt, a thundering bass that is almost shocking considering the modest size and power rating (which is in typical Mc fashion, highly understated), spine-tingling imaging and soundstage, and just a smoothness and coherence that is outstanding. I just love it. I keep listening to other Mcs and frankly I find them all good whether old or new. There is a slight change to more neutrality ("clearness" if I dare say but then again the noise specs are very different) as you get into the 1990s but the smoothness and musicality are maintained. Each model was made for a long time (the 6200 for 13 years!)with no need for rev.A,B,C,D,deluxe,MkI,MKII,MkXXX, etc. since they were right the first time. COnsequently there were many made of some models and so you will see them often for sale. Some people say "check out how many Mcs are for sale - they must be bad" but don't realize that Mc has been around longer than anyone else! Lots of components are made in 51 years time. You will have to try a few - they are easy to resell and so swapping out is fun - since there is some sound variation through the years. I am curious about trying out the cheap (ugly) ones like the mc2100, mc250, and mc752/4, just to see if they are as good. Some reviewers say they are and I doubt at this point that Mc makes anything subpar. Check out if you haven't already - and go down to product history. I have the whole site memorized, thank you Roger! Any questions you have, feel free. I use Sony ES CD, all MIT cables, and Paradigm Reference 100.2s. Arthur
Pwsdaddy is correct; the tube Mac stuff is more maintenance intensive than the SS stuff but he is wrong to suggest that it be avoided on these grounds. A real dog pisses on your rug and needs to go to the vet, better to avoid it and stick with the stuffed variety. No pain, no gain, but at least the SS guys don't have to water those artifical plants in their listening rooms.
You asked about the 6100 specifically.
The 6100 was as good as the C26/MC2505 combo. I sold the 6100 to my brother-in-law about 10 years ago and it also is as good as day 1. He is using CD's and vinyl with a preference for vinyl. He is driving McIntosh (what else?) XR6 speakers. I used it on a variety of speakers. Bass was fine but perhaps not quite as "tight"as others - but pretty darn close. The sound (as with most Mac amps) could be described as "tube-like". I found all Mac amps really to be quite "neutral" in the sense that they did not impart their own sonic signature to the music. They do not have the harshness or brittleness which I have found with some other SS amps.
Hope this helps you out.
Thanks for all the Info guys, especially those whom I bugged via email (LOL). Everythings still up in the air for me right now. I have yet to get final approval from the MRS.. I will be sure to post If and when I do make a purchase.

**BTW** - Aball - I've had that Roger Rusell site marked for sometime now thanks.

- Precbsed - I have your email and Phone number if I decide to go the 6100 route.


P.S. Does anyone need a 6 channel Rotel (RB976)? It's near mint and it's perfect for HT?!?!
I'm a certified Mac junkie, having a $40,000 full Mac System at present. As far as Mac being a little pricey, indeed they are, BUT, you are getting an incredible bang for your buck. Dollar for dollar, if you compare Mac equipment to other components with the same specs, such as Krell, Halcro, Classe, Conrad/Johnson etc, Mac will come out ahead all the time. Sal