Seasoned Mcintosh Fans lend me your ears & advise

Hi All,
I guess I have become a Mcintosh Fanatic. It's all I think about of late, besides being with My Family, eating, and sex. My first listen to Mcintosh gear was when I was auditioning some Paradigm speakers at my dealer, about 1.5 years ago. The combo was the (now discontinued) Mc122 amp + Mc C-15 Pre + Sony Es Cd player + Mini Monitors. The Cd I Brought was Paul McCartney's (All My Best). This was the best music I'd ever heard (that type of playback that sings to the soul). Possibly all I ever need.

**My Current Rig: Rotel RB 976 amp, Parasound 850 pre, Cambridge Audio D500SE CD, Klipsch RF-3II's & Paradigm Mini's speakers. (Can't equal that type of playback thus far)

**Questions: (1) Do all "Mac amps" have a signature sound(70's models *250-MC2105 vs Updated *7100-MC162)? (2)Is the sound I heard mainly in the amp alone or will I also need to get the C-15? (3)If you guys had to have Mac's and on limited budget which would you consider?

I'd love to have one of their intergrated's (6500\6900). But, They are way over My budget.

Thanx for any comments,
You asked about the 6100 specifically.
The 6100 was as good as the C26/MC2505 combo. I sold the 6100 to my brother-in-law about 10 years ago and it also is as good as day 1. He is using CD's and vinyl with a preference for vinyl. He is driving McIntosh (what else?) XR6 speakers. I used it on a variety of speakers. Bass was fine but perhaps not quite as "tight"as others - but pretty darn close. The sound (as with most Mac amps) could be described as "tube-like". I found all Mac amps really to be quite "neutral" in the sense that they did not impart their own sonic signature to the music. They do not have the harshness or brittleness which I have found with some other SS amps.
Hope this helps you out.
Thanks for all the Info guys, especially those whom I bugged via email (LOL). Everythings still up in the air for me right now. I have yet to get final approval from the MRS.. I will be sure to post If and when I do make a purchase.

**BTW** - Aball - I've had that Roger Rusell site marked for sometime now thanks.

- Precbsed - I have your email and Phone number if I decide to go the 6100 route.


P.S. Does anyone need a 6 channel Rotel (RB976)? It's near mint and it's perfect for HT?!?!
I'm a certified Mac junkie, having a $40,000 full Mac System at present. As far as Mac being a little pricey, indeed they are, BUT, you are getting an incredible bang for your buck. Dollar for dollar, if you compare Mac equipment to other components with the same specs, such as Krell, Halcro, Classe, Conrad/Johnson etc, Mac will come out ahead all the time. Sal

Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. I have been a Mac fan since 1970. In the LONG RUN, nothing else comes close.
