Shahinian Obelisk Passive Radiator Replacement

I just bought a pair of good condition Shahinian Obelisk speakers at a garage sale for $5 :-). Unfortunately, both 10" passive radiators had been completely removed and are gone. Shahinian Acoustics wants $275 for a replacement pair. Parts Express has replacements for $60 ( There are also used pulls from good speakers on ebay for $25+ dollars.

My question is are passive radiators that sonically critical and precisely matched that I have to buy the $275 pair from Shahinian or could I get by with one of my other choices without muddling up the speakers? And if so which ones? Or are there other choices or vendors I should consider for the replacement? Thanks for the advice!!
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Showing 1 response by lngbruno

As others have stated or implied, you got one heck of a deal on this speaker. If I were you, I would get a quote from Richard and Vasken Shahinian to bring your speakers up to date all around. Yes, it may be several hundreds of dollars with shipping but at the end of the day, you will have something worth much more. I mean this in instant gratification of a sound signature as well as investment for a future re-sale. Food for will find others who would be willing to purchase them as is if you are resonable and realistic in your asking price.