Shuguang 12AX7 Pavane/Psvane Reference.

I was wonder if anyone has feedback about these tubes. They have a very good review at Positive Feedback.

I'm searching for good tubes to replace the "no brand" 12AX7 tubes that came in my preamplifier. Sadly the "perfect" tubes (50's NOS Mullards or Telefunkens) can cost almost the same that what my preamp cost. Also, I have heard about overpriced old tubes that doesn't produce good sound, simply because they are poorly matched. With the Groove Tubes Mullar replicas out of the market few years ago, I really don't know what should be my next tube investment.

Thanks for reading!.

Showing 4 responses by stts

Thanks to all for your opinions.

Trelja, Where do yo buy your tubes?. 12AX7s can be expensive in trusted sites like

Thorman, curiously Ei were the tubes I was thinking before knowing about the Shuguangs.

Orpheus10, your Shuguangs are Pavane or the standard model?.
Trelja, the tube you are talking about in your message (the tube in the top three, along with the Telefunken ribbed plate and the Sylvania Triple Mica Black Plate) is the Shuguang 12AX7B?. Is this the triple mica?.

I have about 40 hours of burning in on them. They say it takes up to 100 hours, so I will back in a few days!