Silly Question: Short Power Cord + Ext. Cord?

If an expensive power cord is too short, would the use of a cheap 12 g. extension cord from the cord to the wall degrade the sonics? Are you the defeating the purpose of the upgraded cord?

The argument would be:

(1) The house wiring is cheap 14/3 stuff anyway, so doing this wouldn't really make the source of electricity any inferio.

(2) Above argument supports the belief that high grade power cords make their sonic difference through filtering, altering, cleaning of the raw AC. Hence, this would have no effect?

I've considered cords for sale that were too short, and wondered if this would be a viable solution -- or is this audiophile HERESY!

Showing 1 response by redkiwi

I could venture an opinion that your suggestion will sound horrid, but it would just be an opinion. I can tell you that I was having some work done on my system's dedicated mains feed that took a couple of days so I plugged everything into a decent distribution box and fat extension cord to get from another power outlet to the stereo. I was using good power cords on all components. The sound was so bad I decided to not listen to music at all for the two days. I cannot find the words to describe how utterly horrid it sounded, and I was shocked at the enormity of the difference.