Single power interconnects

Hi All,

Has anyone heard the Single power interconnects as I'am looking to buy a XLR set but no response back either by phone or e-mail from them.


Showing 2 responses by shellie

Take a look at these links. Lots of information:
Both of the links I provided are quite long but take a look at this highlight- scroll down the page as a picture is worth a thousand words.

I've had my own issues with Singlepower but the very long story (saga) short, I paid for a power supply and was promised a ship date. When the date came nothing and when I called the factory I was told "It will ship next week, and then after next week came and went, it will ship tomorrow, it will ship tomorrow, it will ship tomorrow, it will ship tomorrow, it will ship tomorrow, and on, and on, and on. I am still waiting btw.

Be very careful and do a little research.