Small Speakers For A Large Room...

I'm about to move my system into a much larger room - ~4,000 cu feet - but for domestic tranquility (I love my wife far more than my music) will need to keep the speakers on the small side. What options are out there in a large stand mount or slender floor standing speaker that work well in large room? I don't listen very loud, and will have a separate powered subwoofer, but mains that visually dominate the room are not an option for me.

If you know of small-ish speakers that sound large, I'd appreciate some suggestions!

Showing 1 response by holley

I'd also suggest the Tekton m-Lores (34" x 9" x 10"). I purchased a pair for use as surround speakers, but have been toying around with them as my main speakers in a 35' x 15' x 8' loft (4200 sq feet) and have been pleasantly surprised how easily they fill the room. Very musical, big sound, surprising bass, and they sound very good on all types of music. They are not the last word on extracting all the details of the music, so be aware of that if you are a detail freak. The are easy to drive and not fussy about placement.