Small speakers for retail store

Looking for recommendations for small speakers that can be wall/ceiling/shelf mounted or placed inconspicuously for use in a retail store or coffee shop (think "Starbucks" or about the size of a large living room) for background music (but still looking for as good quality as can be had for the budget, something non-fatiguing to play all day).

Budget in the $300-500 range, recommendations for used ok but would like some options for new as well.

Showing 1 response by apv

Take a look at the morel chorus loudspeaker at (morel usa Brookline MA). I have a pair of the 11" squared cubes on either side of a couch in a small room. Good quality background music and easy to place.
I am selling them plus a mission cyrus intergrated one and matching tuner to fund a purchase for my main system. They retail for $900 and mine can be had for $450 plus shipping.