Small sub

Looking for a subwoofer to try with monitors. Needs to be quite small and must be fast/articulate. Will be for 2 channel only.
I'll back up what Cruz123 has to say...

I have (2) ML Dynamos in my system and love them. They have a variable crossover point down to 30 Hz and can be run at speaker-level. I definately agree that these are not "HT Subs", but they work very well for 2-channel. The larger ML subs are nice, too, as well as REL subs.
REL acoustics q108e might be a good choice. I have one on order now from Gateway Sound in GA (they were great to work with!) to match with my Spendor s3/5r's. I will let you know how it works.
i will second the thiel recommendation. i use the first model, sw1 which is now called ss2 or something like that...tightest sub i have heard and unlimited so far for my needs...