Soekris ApS dac1101 another discrete R2R Multibit dac.

They’re coming from everywhere , got to give this one it’s own thread. As I’ve been following his development progress on DiyAudio forums for some time now.
Selling price is great, but postage to Australia could make some hold back, bit steep for something so small that weighs nothing.
This link can be buggy, could be his server, you’ll get there if you keep trying.

Cheers George

Showing 2 responses by kalali

Sorry I don't mean to hijack this thread but as a potential Soekris customer - not diy but their finished but yet to be shipped DACs, is this an isolated case of diy poor information disclosure or a broader/more frequent case of irresponsible customer service?
I personally don't like discussing this sort of topics on open forums especially for isolated cases which may not be an accurate reflection of the vendor in question. But someone else opened the door and I ask for selfish reasons.
Gentlemen, this is not productive. It sounds like this thread opened a can of worms. I think this sort of arguments are best done off line.