Solid State amp with wide soundstage

So I bought a tube amp for a project and fell in love with the elbow room tubes give each musician. Unfortunately, because I listen to a lot of electronic music, the amp just doesn't give me the slam in the low end and the detail up top that I love. So please recommend a solid state amp that gives the best, widest soundstage. Budget $1000 used. Speakers Revel M20s.


Showing 2 responses by tweekerman

hi dhcod the previous 2 posts failed to mention the highly respected Electroacompaniet. maybe alittel more than 1k but this lab is worth serious consideration in the ss. sound.
any more votes? Plinius vs. Bryston vs. Electrocompaniet i am staunch with sedond. Point of Fact: the norwegian lab Electrocompaniet makes a superior quality cdp just behind the Audio Aero and the Audio Meca, that should tell you something. I'm sure all the above mentioned are good amps. but what we are after in this thread and every other thread is which is the superior in terms of overall sound. yea you may pay a tad more for the electro. but you get so much more.