Somehow I've got myself a "WTF" dilema with my newly setup Turntable. HELP!

If I plug one IC from the "high out" of my phono stage (for example, the right side)
into the right side of my integrated amp's "AUX" input jack. Low and behold, I only
get music out of the right side speaker.
If I unplug that IC, and plug the other IC (1 pair) into the left side of my phono stage
(again "high out") then into the left side "AUX" input jack of my integrated amp, You
got it, left side sounds great, nothing out of the right speaker.

Now, when I plug them both in (as in normal connection of phono stage to amp) I get
95% of all music information out of one side, and yes, WTF only 5% out of the other

All cables are securely connected. Any suggestions or ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Al,
The phono stage (Jolida JD9II) was purchased new about 2 years
ago. I used it with another TT with rock solid performance, zero issues.
The TT (Clearaudio Concept) was purchased used recently. I just had
a new cartridge (Hana SH mc) installed and setup professionally.
Al, you are correct, all IC's are single ended. My integrated amp is a
Jolida Fusion 801. 
It appears to be your phono stage based on your diagnostic results. You should swap the tubes and see if the problem follows the tube. If so replace the tubes. If not substitute another phono stage to confirm. If that fixes the problem send the phono stage for service.

Hi, markj941,

The JD9 uses dip switches for left and right channels for gain; check to be sure that the dip switches are set to the correct position for each channel.



Tubes are my guess, on the integrated amp since all inputs give same results.  Is there a phono stage on your integrated amp you could try?  Gold Lion tubes are affordable.