
Responses from markj941

McIntosh users.. What is the difference between the c47 and c48 preamps?
Thanks effischer 
Moving coil and Moving magnet really the same for my cartridge?
Phono stage is Jolida jd9 III, Hana SH high output MC cartridge. 
Vintage tube suggestions
Yes rotaryphone they are reissues. 
Vintage tube suggestions
My preamp is a Jolida fusion, I'm currently using Genalex Gold Lionsfor both the 12AT7 and 12AX7. My DAC is a Jolida glass fx tube dac III.In the DAC I'm using a pair of Mullard 12AX7 / ECC83. Though I thinkthe tubes I'm using sound very good, I w... 
Vintage tube suggestions
I see someone selling both the ribbed plates and the smooth plates at the same price. Is either a better deal at the same money? 
Vintage tube suggestions
Telefunken Black Diamond ECC83? 
Vintage tube suggestions
thanks rotaryphone Will any Telefunken 12AX7 do? Are there a variety to chose from?  
Which tubes do I change??
I'm also listening to vinyl. Probably 35% vinyl 65% digital. 
Which tubes do I change??
Jolida fusion pre. Digital source. 
Triggering mono blocks without trigger capability
Erik, I like the Furman suggestion. Tom, what is your case for notrecommending amps into a power conditioner? 
Speaker distance
Let me add an addendum to my original post.What are the disadvantages of having to little or to much spacebetween your speakers? 
Speaker distance
Silverline Audio Sonatinas mk IV's @ 64" of space between them. 
Somehow I've got myself a "WTF" dilema with my newly setup Turntable. HELP!
Thank you rhljazz, You were absolutely RIGHT! I set the dip switch as ifI were setting up a MM cartridge (low gain) and it works great. rhljazz,you were cutting it a little bit short though, My wife is enroute to the airport to pick up her inlaws,... 
Somehow I've got myself a "WTF" dilema with my newly setup Turntable. HELP!
Thanks Al,The phono stage (Jolida JD9II) was purchased new about 2 yearsago. I used it with another TT with rock solid performance, zero issues.The TT (Clearaudio Concept) was purchased used recently. I just hada new cartridge (Hana SH mc) install... 
Somehow I've got myself a "WTF" dilema with my newly setup Turntable. HELP!
No balance control