Songs You Couldn't Stand Until You Heard Them On A Good System

Just heard Talking Heads Psycho Killer on my current system for the first time..Never been able to listen to more than the fist 30-45 seconds until now..Before what was a mass of screeching cats is now a coherent,highly musical interaction between synthesizers & bass guitar that finally lend the emotional intensity this track needs to relate to the antagonist...
Anyone else?

Showing 2 responses by erik_squires

That's interesting, as that's often considered a pretty bad mix. Typical of early CD's it was heavily compressed. Did you hear a remix?

So just went and checked. Yes, there is a remix as well as a remade DVD/Bluray.

I'm listening to it now. I don't remember the screeching, but the bass seems better. Not earth shatteringly better. The entire percussive lines could use more expansion and less mid-bass IMHO. In Burning Down the House, there are still several sections where you wish it was explosive and it really isn't.
