sonic signature of Pure Note Paragon Question

I just got a set of cables tonite , brand new. This is a first impression but i am alarmed . The entire system is Paragon . They are dry , lacking in air , have little bass and have little timbral richness. They seem to be hyper accurate however with good depth and focus. For owners who have had them a for some time , what characteristics will change and how will they end up changing / sounding ? Thanks !!
Tvd, if your cables are Teflon, then they have a Teflon dielectric. The manufacturer must be implying that air is what you breath.

Brainwater, stay away from manufacturers that state 30 day return policy, but break-in takes 40hrs a week x5 weeks(200hrs). Drop the 12k on the D's and fuggedaboutit.

Steve, from the Revelation Audio Labs' website:
...each discrete ultra-pure silver wire conductor is
hermetically sealed within its own oversized 100% pure virgin Teflon
(PTFE) hollow sleeving tube, air being the best practical dielectric, and
Teflon being the insulation material with the lowest dielectric constant
(2.1). The interior cross section area of the tube is by design many times
greater than the diameter of the wire, which minimizes the area of
contact of the wire to the insulator. This system provides a huge air
dielectric that is unaffected by ambient atmospheric conditions. The
resulting characteristically low dielectric constant and extremely low
capacitance is responsible for the high propagation speed of our

Also, while you make a valid point about 30 day MBG and long break-in
periods, I'd personally rather have the option of an audition period and
return policy. Break-in can be accelerated with a cable cooker, if
desired. And, I've never heard any appreciable difference after about
three weeks of break-in that would change my decision of whether to
keep the cables or return them.
I have approx. 100 hrs on the paragons. I agree they are a little dry & bass shy. But i do not find them to be lacking in air. They were a tad bright at first, but they're getting better & better. Bass is tight & fast.

& I agree, they're the opposite of Cardas' cables.

I will report again after 200hrs.
Hi Rick . You are the second that has disputed my observation that they lack air. To clarify somewhat and this is how i view it ; "air" around an instrument in a given space is what gives sound its musical body within that space and is important in its support of ambient retrieval . This combination is what causes the sound to " breathe " and have dimensionality . It creates a field that a listener can be involved in so a suspension of disbelief can occur. This air around the individual instruments creates a lifelike soundscape envelope that belies a mechanical impersonation of an actual event is in fact what we are hearing . Nordost Valhalla in my system is capable of this impersonation and so far I feel the Paragon is seriously lacking this fundamental yet critical ability; at least in my system . Point of example is track 7 on Modern Cool . The snare drum at the beginning and all throughout the song has , with the right innerconnect, tremendous air as the note seems to hang endlessly in mid air with a lingering sensual decay that luxuriously fades into the backgroung long after the other notes take center stage. Listen closely for the length of decay and air ....the paragon truncates it to the point of a shocking thud. In my system , playing real music in real time , I will break my neck to get 300 hours on them in 30 days before I make a non impetuous decision . This post was initiated to get owners of the cable to express their experience from fire up to full potential to help me understand that this cable will dramatically alter its signaure with time and proper break in . Otherwise I will return them and take another step up . As always , i sincerely appreciate any input.