Sony SCD-XA5400ES-Best SACD for under $10,000

This Sony player supplanted my Ayre C5-XE 3, which I still have, months ago. I paid $6000 for the Ayre after determining that it was the best-sounding unit for under $10,000. The Sony blows it away!!!
A unit costing $1500 besting all others under $10,000? That is exactly what it does!
For reference, I am using Audio Research electronics and Vandersteen speakers and subwoofers (about $30,000); a similar system has repeatedly been lauded as "best of show" at CES, so we are NOT talking second-rate stuff here.
This Sony is the only SACD/Cd player I have EVER heard that puts a classical piano live in my living room; nothing I ever had before even comes close.
This unit is a small miracle. I would have gladly paid $8000 for it, but if they want to give the thing away for $1500, who am I to argue?
This unit is going to send the engineers at Audio Research, Luxman, Esoteric, and Ayre back to the drawing board; their current units at 4 to 5 times the price are not even close. Some engineer at Sony is a freaking genius!!!

Showing 9 responses by bjpd57a1

Oh please!

Not even Best at $2K!

I own a Sony XA7ES with the Benchmark Dac-1 it is Awesome!

Redbook obviously is what I am talking about.

The new Taiwan made 5400ES as a SACD player is only slightly better IMHO,

now, my Marantz SA11-S2 with the Level 2 Underwood Mods.

will be a candidate for the Best SACD under $10K!

But don't take my word for it, Listen for Yourself!

ALL this Sony hype for their LAST player, is pathetic.

Even if it was, a Super player, and it is NOT, so what?

They are being sold for $995 and less, used, so they

must NOT be that good.

Not Japan, where Sony's BEST! Is ALL made!PERIOD!

Malaysia? Taiwan? Macedonia? All I know is Sony

was NOT serious at ALL about this LAST Line,

otherwise, it too would bear the badge from JAPAN!

I just won't pay $1500 for ANYTHING from Malaysia!

That is why it is the LAST of the SONY SACD players.

Like German, and Swiss, products are generally made Superior,to most similar other products.

Open up the 5400ES, and then look inside a Marantz SA11-S2

No Passion in Malaysia, just cheap labor.

My Sony XA7ES inside, is what Passion produces.

That is why it is still regarded as one of the BEST

RedBook Players of ALL time, by many.

Sony had to finish this last line, so they just did it as
cheaply as possible.

Yes, it is a decent sounding player, NO, I won't buy one.

Oh, and my eyes, they are 20-15 so I am Blessed with great
vision, as well as great hearing.

It is funny, for years Sony was considered "The Black Sheep"
in Audio, and now, at the climax of the ES line, there seems
to be more Praise over this player, than ALL the Sony's

I know the Sony people, are probably laughing so hard, they
are hurting themselves!

Made in Malaysia! Yeah, I am ALL over that! NOT!

Sony SCD-XA5400 Best SACD under $10k?

Or, pick at petty non relevant issues?

Can we just stay on the "point"?

Music is All about Joy!

I am sorry I Ever said Anything at All!

Someone Always gets "bent".

I try to share "knowledge" and I hit a "brick Wall!"

This is my Last entry, in to Any forum,life is too short,

to argue, "mine is bigger!"

"Let others lead small lives, but not you. Let others argue over small things, but not you. Let others cry over small hurts, but not you. Let others leave their future in someone else's hands, but not you."
Jim Rohn

"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."
Mother Teresa

Can't we just agree, to disagree?
We All love music, so we All have that in common.

Can't we All just get along?

Who said I "abuse Capital" letters? You?

No shouting here, just excitement.

Typical attitude, be "afraid" of that which is "different"

Because my set-up, is similar to that of a "Live Performance"

I simply have sound delivered, to each angle in the listening

room, just like at the "Movies" and the sound comes from

"All around", I simply brought "Home", this same technology.

How does that, limit my "abilities" to "evaluate"?

Because I can think outside of the box?

You have No idea, what I have done, until you come over,

and have a listen.

Bottom Line: My System is set-up for "My" enjoyment.

I care Not what You, or anyone else thinks, about what

they have NOT even heard!

I try to avoid "Judging", that is Not for me to decide.

It would be boring, if we ALL had the very same set-up,

with the same "Results!"

Only when we "try" new things, do we open up a whole

new world, of listening pleasure.

The fact that 2 speakers, fails to satisfy my listening

needs, points to the fact that, I am used to hearing music,

"as it was played", and so I obviously enjoy hearing it,

the very same way.

Sound-Stage, Imaging, believe me, I have spent over 30 years

trying to effectively bring the same "Studio" Quality,

sound home.

IMHO, with Great Success, I must say.

Why so petty over something like the use of capital letters?

This is about the Sony SCD-XA5400ES SACD player, and how I

feel it is Not a player to be considered "Best under $10k?"

IMHO, that is.

Winoguy, You know what?

Cerebellum - Function:

Again for the mentally challenged...(that's me!)

It is impossible to defeat an ignorant man in argument.

“The recipe for perpetual ignorance is: Be satisfied with your opinions and content with your knowledge.”

Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about universe. ~Albert Einstein

Again so Sorry, I meant Malaysia, and Taiwan came out,now 100% Disabled since being t-boned,in a major car accident, I sustained some brain damage,that affects my short term memory, and other stuff.

I do the Best I can.

How is it, the main Point, managed to go right "over"
your head?

Is Malaysia known for it's advancement in technology? NO!

Neither is Taiwan, so it really makes NO difference,

since both countries, are used only for there very "cheap" labor.

Like I said, I do NOT own the 5400ES, get over it.

Next time, try making a point worthy of discussion.

I forgot,

Metralla...Just curious, how does your Sony SCD-XA777ES modded player compare to the 5400ES?

I know the build quality, is far better on the older 777ES.

At $925 the 5400ES, is priced where many XA-7ES players
are still going for.

The older Sony models like the SCD-1 still can be had for
$1700 is the lowest I have seen.But often still at $2k or more, for the really clean units.

If the 5400ES is so good, I would expect the price to
reflect that fact, it obviously does not, at $925.

So how can it be seriously considered comparable to a $10K

SACD player?

That is just one thought I had.

The Wal-Mart, and K-Mart,level of "quality",

of the electronics, from Malaysia?

The "cheap" computers sold on TV, from Malaysia?

If a person said your life "depends" on your ability,

to stay "on time"; You are offered a watch from Malaysia,
or a Swiss watch, which do you pick?

Swiss watches are known to be the most accurate in the world.

But All the press, this Sony 5400ES has prompted, perhaps

Malaysia is showing they can do better.

Only time will tell.

Sorry, my intention is not to bash Malaysia.

The point was Sony made their "Best" Products in Japan.

Look at The Vintage Knob, at All the Best in Audio from

ALL, from Japan.

Accuphase for one. One of the finest built pieces in Audio.

“Yes, we are all different. Different customs, different foods, different mannerisms, different languages, but not so different that we cannot get along with one another. If we will disagree without being disagreeable.”

Peace To You!

I am not a "watch" expert either, but...
"When it comes to watches, thereýs one name that stands out, Swiss watch. They produce the highest quality timepieces, establishing more brands with top-of-the-line models being endorsed by world-class celebrity icons like Brad Pitt and Tiger Woods. Some of the very popular brands are TAG Heuer, Rolex, Omega, and Oris. They are manufactured by different companies. However, they maintain the high quality standards that the Swiss watch has been taking care over the decades."

In 2008, the Swiss watch show has spotted the latest trends in watches.

Swiss quality - "Swiss made"

As with other products like chocolate, Switzerland jealously protects its beautifully made and aesthetically appealing watches and clocks with the “Swiss made” label. “Swiss made” is more than a simple label of origin. It is a sign to customers that they are buying a product of outstanding quality and reliability.

With the help of legislation, international treaties and multilateral agreements drawn up by the World Intellectual Property Organisation and the World Trade Organisation, Switzerland has the necessary legal instruments to protect “Swiss made” watches and clocks from piracy and counterfeiting.
“Swiss made”

To obtain the “Swiss made” label a watch must meet certain minimum conditions. Although some foreign-made components may be used, they may not account for more than 50% of the total value of the components and the watches must also be both assembled and inspected in Switzerland.

Some regions in Switzerland, like the banking and watchmaking capital of Geneva, have their own label of origin. However, the “Geneva” hallmark does not enjoy the same level of protection as the “Swiss made” label. A watch may carry the Geneva hallmark if it meets the same requirements as those for a Swiss-made watch and if at least one of the major operations in its manufacture was carried out in the canton of Geneva.

More prestigious than this is the award of the quality hallmark known as the "poinçon de Genève" or Geneva Seal, issued by the Office for the Voluntary Inspection of Watches from Geneva. They must have been made in the canton, and each movement must be numbered. There are 12 strict criteria to be met ensuring the highest standards in engineering, finishing and assembly.
Is there such a thing as a foreign-made Swiss watch?

A watch that has been manufactured abroad but contains Swiss components may carry a mark to this effect. However, any exaggeration of the degree of Swiss involvement is strictly prohibited. The Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry sees to it that watches which are put on sale do not flout this rule.
Campaign: Fake Watches are for Fake People (in new window)

Campaign: Fake Watches are for Fake People
Fake watches are for fake people

According to estimates by the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie (fine watchmaking foundation), 40 million fake Swiss watches are manufactured and sold ever year. Counterfeited goods like these damage not only the Swiss watch market but also the good reputation of the Swiss watch industry as a whole. The FH and the Federation of the Swiss Watch Industry are locked in a ruthless ongoing battle against the counterfeiters. In addition to legal action, they launched the anti-counterfeiting “Fake Watches are for Fake People” campaign in 2009.

At the start of every year Switzerland holds two major international exhibitions where it can showcase its watchmaking expertise:

"BASELWORLD" is the most important international watch and jewellery fair. Over 100,000 visitors from the industry travel from every continent to Basle to view the latest creations. The fair has more than 2,000 exhibitors, including all of Switzerland’s major watchmakers.

Geneva hosts a more exclusive affair, the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie (SIHH), or International Salon for Prestige Watchmaking, to which only professional guests of the exhibiting brands are invited. The show is regarded as one of the major events in the Geneva calendar, second only to the Motor Show. Visitors can discover the latest innovations in the world of fine watchmaking. Many of the timepieces on show are one-offs or limited editions.

Accurate Watches were first launched in 1989 in Bienne, Switzerland. The mantra of the company was to produce high quality Swiss made watches that would be affordable for retail customers. Accurate wanted to change the stigma that Swiss-made watches were expensive.

Accurate s decision signified a change in the history of watch manufacturing in Switzerland. For the first time, superb craftsmanship was affordable for more people than ever. Since the first Accurate watch collection was introduced, the commitment to high quality and affordability has earned the company global recognition. In just a decade of production Accurate has sold over 2.5 million timepieces.

The latest collection, The Opera, includes Accurate Watches first ever watch made of natural jade, zirconium and stainless steel. Available in a bracelet or casebook, Accurate has merged technology with natural jade carving skill. The natural jade is believed to radiate bio-energies including infrared and antibacterial rays and negative ions.

The quartz crystal and battery combination of the quartz watch is basic, but there is some variation in the watchmaking industry. Swiss quartz movement combines the movement with the chassis and jewels of a mechanical watch to form the most accurate and most durable quartz watches. A few quartz watches have solar-powered rechargeable batteries. Some quartz movements feature a kinetic system, similar to those in automatic watches, in which a rotor produces the electrical current that powers the watch.

The greatest advantage of the quartz watch, other than its relative affordability, is the fact that the movement needs no winding to keep it working. Quartz movement watches also require fewer time adjustments and less maintenance than mechanical watches. The gears of a quartz watch rarely, if ever, need lubricating.
Watch movement origins
Swiss watch

Most watch movements are designed and manufactured in Switzerland or Japan. Traditionally, Swiss watchmakers set the standard for quality, especially for mechanical movements; however, since the 1980s, Japanese-made movements have caught up to the Swiss in quality. Chinese-made movements also have increased in quality in recent years. Watch manufacturers label the origin of the movement with a stamp on the watch case and, sometimes, on the dial. Here is a brief explanation of the terminology:

* Swiss movement: Watch movements have many parts to be assembled into one workable unit. "Swiss movement" means that over 50 percent of the completed movement was assembled in a Swiss factory from Swiss-manufactured parts. This is true of mechanical, automatic and quartz movements. The case stamps that identify the Swiss movement use various terms including Swiss quartz, Swiss automatic or Swiss auto, and, simply, Swiss.

This definition also applies to movements originating in countries other than Switzerland. For example, a watch with Japanese movement usually will have a stamp of "Japanese."

* Swiss-made: A Swiss-made movement must have Swiss parts, be assembled in Switzerland, and then be placed in the case in a Swiss factory. The case itself does not need to be manufactured in Switzerland, although most high-end watches feature Swiss-made cases.
Always a force for technical innovation in traditional luxury watchmaking, Swiss manufacture Jaeger-LeCoultre proves a point at the Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie in Geneva with the automatic Master Compressor Extreme LAB 2.

Like its predecessor the Extreme LAB three years ago, this watch pushes horological boundaries in service to extreme environments and tribute to the Le Sentier-based manufacture’s 1958 Chronomètre Geophysic.

Take a moment to study the dial-side picture and take in the universe of timekeeping on display, all in the limited space afforded by a 46.8mm diameter wristwatch dial (specifications on the actual display area are not available).

Jaeger LeCoultre Master Compressor Extreme LAB 2 2

Briefly, the functions are as follows, according to the press release: hours, minutes, small seconds, date, second-time zone hand and counter, chronograph with large minute counter, manual stop second, functions selector (three-position indicator: winding, date and dual time zone adjustment, time-setting), amagnetic silicon escapement. The silicon escapement applies to Calibre 781 only. This model also features Calibre 780, which is identical in almost every other way.

What’s displayed are the hours, minutes, small seconds (as movement functioning indicator), sweep chronograph hand, date, function selector (this is a one-crown operation proposition), digital chronograph minutes, chronograph hours, second time zone (24-hour scale) and power reserve (60 hours).

Jaeger LeCoultre Master Compressor Extreme LAB 2 3

I think you may want to re-consider, your choice...
aqua_bleu_one 88.7% Positive feedback formerly ("Papi Chulo"), on E-bay is still ripping folks off, for one simple reason...
Greed. And the "subjective" truth.
Audio is so much "subjective", the correct written review, of
a product, sends the Audio world running like the "bulls" in Spain.

The Sony 5400ES is such a player,it got a few "flowery" reviews, and the next thing you know, 4 pages later, and folks are still arguing that it is the greatest Sony Player ever made. NOT!

Sadly, my XA-7ES, simply walks away, when it comes to making "music", the 5400ES, is ALL "hype", but as I said, let a few people "blow smoke up your butt", and you start thinking, "maybe there is some truth to all the talk".

aqua_bleu_one(a.k.a. Papi Chulo) still manages to get idiots to fork over funds often in excess of $180k, in 12 months, 9 Negative feedback,3 in the last 6 months, 1 in the last MONTH! Why would any human risk sending a dime to this crook?

The "chance" of possibly owning a piece of Audio, that is "touted" as awesome!

I know a guy that is guilty of buying a 5400ES, only to be so pissed off, he is beyond the ability, to write of his shame, from listening to the "hype".

He fell for it when Adcom first came on the scene, I bought an ES integrated amplifier, that laid waste to his Adcom.

He tried to drive 16ohm Electro-Voice speakers, the Adcom shut down, my Sony drove them with ease. But Adcom, was claimed to be the greatest thing since "sliced bread".
The Sony ES integrated amp. is still going strong.

If Audio, was "objective", he would have never fell victim to the "hype", I tried to warn him, he even admitted my XA-7ES sounded better, (actually that is what was the last straw) when a product is Newer, by over 10 years, you expect it to sound better, WRONG! Not in Audio.

If we were talking cars, and speed, that is "objective" a Saleen Mustang, will smoke a Stock Mustang, no surprise there, but Audio, is not at ALL "objective", most people will weave a clever tale, about a piece of equipment to sell it, knowing full well, it is not ALL they say it is.

2 well known magazines, have sold zillions of issues, pushing stuff that failed to live up to what they claimed it was. Why?

Because many Audiophiles, are "greedy", and are always thinking that "the grass is greener", instead of being satisfied with what they have.

Everyone in this forum, has sold something that they wished they had back.

But they "heard" this, or that, is the "bomb", so they rushed out, and sucked it up, only to be very upset.

I like ladies to listen to stuff, because they rarely lie.
Most, just call it as they hear it.

We compared my XA-7 to the venerable 5400, and the ladies, were in 100% agreement, the XA-7 just made "music", the 5400 is just, well... the last player Sony sent us. Sorry.

Listen with your "ears" instead of with your "eyes", and you will enjoy music much more.

I hate seeing a grown man cry.

Oh, and my Marantz SA-11S2 with the Level 2 Underwood Mods.
is in another league all together.No comp.

I Love Music!