Sony XA-5400es player...Giant Killer or just Ok?


I'm thinking of getting an used Sony 5400es from a local dealer.Some say that it's Great, I need to know the Real Deal.
I suggest "do not go to computer audio yet" and get a CD player :-)

Computer Audio does not sound as good as a great CD player based on my recent experience - at least not yet. Also, it has so many twists, turns, changes, updates etc.. that I would give it more time to mature a bit.
As mentioned, this has been hashed over many times but if you're going unmodified and listen mostly to redbook, I'd go with an Oppo 95. The Sony is probably better on SACD but I'm guessing redbook will be your main diet. Of course with the Oppo, you also get video.

If you're considering the Modwright route down the road and audio is your main concern, I'd definitely go with the Sony.
My Sony 5400 has been reliable and has performed without a glitch. I have a unit that has been modded by The Upgrade Company and really enjoy it. I am not aware of reliability issues in general for this model. Regarding the claim of "giant killer" I cannot comment because I have not made any direct comparisons. But it is sonically different (perhaps better) in some ways than my previous McCormack UDP-1 Deluxe, which is no slouch. Hope that helps somewhat.
IMO just OK.If your going to go to the expense of mods I would put my money on a better player and forgetaboutit.Also moddified anything on the secondary market is crap if and when you decide to move on and sell