Sony XA-5400es player...Giant Killer or just Ok?


I'm thinking of getting an used Sony 5400es from a local dealer.Some say that it's Great, I need to know the Real Deal.
My Sony 5400 has been reliable and has performed without a glitch. I have a unit that has been modded by The Upgrade Company and really enjoy it. I am not aware of reliability issues in general for this model. Regarding the claim of "giant killer" I cannot comment because I have not made any direct comparisons. But it is sonically different (perhaps better) in some ways than my previous McCormack UDP-1 Deluxe, which is no slouch. Hope that helps somewhat.
IMO just OK.If your going to go to the expense of mods I would put my money on a better player and forgetaboutit.Also moddified anything on the secondary market is crap if and when you decide to move on and sell
Missioncoonery I have a modright modded Oppo 95 with tube output and tube regulated power supply. The sound killed the Playback Designs CD player I owned which sells for over 15,000.00. The PD is considered one of the best at any price. I sold the PD and kept my Oppo. I paid a total of 2,800.00 and could not be any happier.