I have a Baby Electric which I basically use to run a pr of Rega RI speakers in my bed room.
With my usual stupidity I tried a humoungus Pangrea PC on it and made the IEC plug come loose.
I live in a small-medium city where the only repair tech I could find works in a large Guitar store that also sells Pro-Audio gear so, not trusting my old eyes and shaky hands,
I brought my beloved Baby in for surgery.

Three days later I get a call its all done, I hurry down and when I come thru the door there is about a dozen guys gathered around my Baby driving a huge set of EV stage speakers !

Comments like , wow I never heard bass like that. check those mids", fantastic highs etc etc abounded.
The tech and store owner, both about 50, told me it was the best amp they ever heard.

I could hardly belive it !

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Sometimes the best results come from small,well conceived but unpretnsious products.