Sound Quality of red book CDs vs.streaming

I’ve found that the SQ of my red book CDs exceeds that of streaming using the identical recordings for comparison. (I’m not including hi res technology here.)
I would like to stop buying CDs, save money, and just stream, but I really find I enjoy the CDs more because of the better overall sonic performance.
 I stream with Chromecast Audio using  the same DAC (Schiit Gumby) as I play CDs through.
I’m wondering if others have had the same experience

Showing 1 response by axo0oxa

I have found that redbook sounds better than those same CDs ripped to FLAC files and streamed through the exact same system the CD player goes through. Both the streaming (ROON) and CD player use the same DAC (TEAC NT-505). Streaming when I am not critically listening is fun though due to the ease and how one can free associate with your music and mood switching to different bands and songs with just a few clicks and not having to get up. Now I do not have true hi rez files to compare the CDs with, so I cannot speak to that comparison.