Space Tech vs. Bottlehead vs. Juicy Music???

Recommendations needed, please. Sold my Sira preamp & need a replacement with phono, budget $1000-$2500.Looking for a wood base unit. My current system is all changing except for the VMPS Super Tower Ribbon Midrange
speakers & all Acoustic Zen cables so no need to mention
it otherwise. My taste runs toward the dymamic gain &
solidified bass of the Sira & the sweet airy-ness of the Audible Illusions Mod 3a. I sold all my esoteric high-hi-end & am looking for best sound for the dollar components. (I.E.
I am currently using the preamp section of my old 1974
Marantz 1060 & enjoying the music almost as much as with the Sira.)
all three are nice, but so is your 1060. several vintage marantz and mac integrateds are on a par with many of today's better separates.
Albert at Space Tech. will be finished building my preamp later this week. I had one of his preamps on loan for 4 days and they are very very good preamps along with the rest of his gear. Best bang for the buck hands down and custom made to your spec and to match the rest of your gear. I have been to his shop a few times and just love listening to Space Tech. Gear.