Speaker cabinet materials.

Just wondering what are some of the materials used in building cabinets for speakers? We all know of mdf and solid wood, but how popular is aluminum? Magico and Piega use it. Are there others that use aluminum? And what other materials are used? What about acrylic?
Acoustical wool and mass loaded vinyl is used inside, what else is used?

Showing 1 response by jmleonard400

I've seen a few companies that use precision molded concrete. I'm sure it stops resonance, but it is also difficult to work with and for a large floor speaker it makes the weight nearly unmanageable.

I remember some speakers from one of the "shows" a while back that used a concrete enclosure for the woofer, and an expansion horn created from trans-laminated hardwood for the tweet/mids. The stereophile writer said he wasn't even going to ask how heavy they were.
