Speaker cable recommendations

Greetings all- l am interested in hearing member's thoughts and recommendations on speaker cables. l understand this is an inherently subjective question. l currently switch between Kimber 8tc and Harmonic Technology Pro 9 cables. l like the depth and weight of the Harmonic Technology and the speed, clarity and dynamism of the Kimber.On the downside the HT may be a little slow and the Kimbers a little too forward and bright. Can anyone recommend or suggest cables that may contain the strengths of both cables ? thanks in advance - Mel

Showing 2 responses by williewonka

I've used Van del Hul for many years - I now use the d-352 with Furez silver plated copper bananas.

I like them very much - warm, detailed, spacious and with a very deep and well controlled bass.

I bought mine as bulk cable and found the Furez bananas to perform exceptionally well with them

Melbourne02 - Ive recently installed cables from your neck of the woods (AUS)- they are from KLE Innovations - the model I have are the Essence gZero2.

They are the most dynamic and detailed cables I have used to date, with bass the extends very low - don't be put off by their look either - they are a little "skinny", but they outperformed my 10 gauge VDH d-352 cables by a significant margin. They are also very neutral in their presentation.

I'm driving a full range floorstanding Gershman Acoustics Sonogram speakers using a NAIM 5i integrated amp and it sounds pretty damn good.

I'm also using KLE Innovations Essence gZero3 interconnects that are top performers also.

My system has never sounded so good :-)

Just goole "KLE Innivations" to get to their web site.
