Speaker decision $3000-3500...help

I have been around auditioning speakers around the $3000-3500 mark.

I am looking for speakers that are musical, open, dynamic with a hint of warmth!
I listen to Soft Rock, Pop and some House/Dance music.
Mostly multi-track and digitally amplified stuff.

I have auditioned PSB, B&W, GoldenEar and Amphions.
I was most pleased with Amphion Helium 520s, since they are very engaging and natural sounding. Jack of all trades.

If you think there are other speakers for my preferences in the price range of 3000-3500, please guide me, i will audition them as well.

Otherwise i will pull the trigger on the Amphions and will need suggestions for Amplification for them. Budget would be $1500.

Please, any advice either on speakers or amplification would be appreciated.

Showing 1 response by bcgator

>>Class D amps have come a long way. Listen with your own ears, before you take someone's advice.

THIS is good advice from Ricred1. Blindly ruling out Class D amps is myopic and dumb. Try one first. I made the mistake of giving too much credence to comments on here about Class D amps being "sterile" and "cold" and "clinical" and "non-musical", then decided to try one for myself. There are many fantastic choices in Class D, with small footprints, lower heat output, lots of power, and without spending 4 mortgage payments. Peachtree, Bel Canto, Wyred4Sound are just a few. Listen for yourself and enjoy.